Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2124 Angege is determined to win

The mind is distracted.

"Jin'er" Fourth Master murmured, Angege's hand paused slightly, then continued down, holding Fourth Master's hand tightly, calling "Master" softly.

Fourth master couldn't help himself, and subconsciously held her hand backhand, only to feel that it was slippery and soft, which made him reluctant to leave.

A smug look flashed across An Gege's eyes, the medicine given by Fujin was really effective, the master is also a man after all! At this time, it can be regarded as unbearable, right?

He is a man, and he is his woman, it is only natural that no one can say no.

Su Peisheng wanted to follow up in the bedroom before, but was stopped by Lianpet, who was very embarrassed, but she stood in front of Su Peisheng, but her attitude was firm: "Eunuch Su, our family is afraid, I am afraid that we will be shy. Unnatural, please, please please Su Gonggong, please, please Su Gonggong, please wait here outside."

An Gege is the master after all, and Su Peisheng has always been impeccable in his work. Even now, he seems to regard Mu Jin as his second master, and he is not willing to offend anyone easily.

After all, who knows which cloud in the sky will rain?

Was Mu Jin thrown to Zhuangzi by Li Fangfujin just after entering the mansion? Another one to two years. Everyone in the house almost forgot about her existence.

At that time, who would have imagined that she would have the day when Xianyu would turn around and be the favored person she is today?

Therefore, Su Peisheng secretly rolled his eyes in disdain for what Lianpet said, but he didn't insist on going in after all.

At this moment, there is no outsider in the room, and An Gege is determined to win.

She is confident that as long as there is this one time, the master will not forget her, she will make him remember deeply, taste the essence, and make him want to stop.

It's better to make a fuss because of Mu Fangfujin's jealousy this time, then the master will definitely hate her and favor himself more.

She didn't understand why the master was so fascinated by Mu Xifujin and doted on her alone, but she could tell that the master was definitely not a man who would be manipulated by women and endure women's mischief.

An Gege was moaning and stroking with his hands, trying to unbutton Fourth Master's clothes.

The fourth master's eyes were so clear that he subconsciously grabbed her wrist tightly, stared at her coldly and scolded: "Anshi, what are you doing!"

An Gege never dreamed that fourth master would suddenly regain his clarity at this time, and when he was stared at by his sharp and cold eyes, he suddenly felt a piercing heart-piercing feeling, his wrist was in severe pain, and Huarong turned pale and screamed.

"Master, master son"

Fourth Master pushed her away violently, gnashing his teeth: "An Shi, you are so courageous!"

At the beginning, he felt a little hazy and subconsciously, but when her hand came to untie his clothes, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Looking down, that hand was not Jin'er's at all, how could he not be angry?

Shocked, ashamed and frightened, An Gege lost his composure and fell off the bed. He walked up to his knees and clutched the corner of Fourth Master's clothes tightly, tears rolling down, begging: "Please have mercy, Master! Master, this slave treats you It's also sincere, the slave doesn't dare to expect the master to love her, but since the slave has become a member of the fourth master's house, the slave only wants to truly become the master's woman, just this time, just this time, okay? Just this time, what will the slave promise? I don’t want it anymore, I don’t fight or grab anything, please have mercy, master, please have mercy!”  

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