Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2125 The fourth master stormed away in a huff

A beauty who loves so infatuatedly but desperately, painfully and humblely, all she wants is to be his woman for a while, I am afraid that if she were any other man, she would not be able to help feeling pity in her heart.

The fourth master kicked An Gege away, and sneered: "Bitch, if you are in the mansion right now, I will teach you to look good! Don't shut up! Su Peisheng, Su Peisheng!"

In fact, Su Peisheng heard An Gege screaming in pain when he was grabbed by the fourth master's wrist. He pricked up his ears and vaguely heard the movement in the room, but the fourth master didn't call, so he didn't dare to go in.

"The servant is here, the servant——" Su Peisheng came in quickly, startled when he saw this, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he said to himself, this is another one who wants to die.

Let's just say, he was fine when serving fourth master for lunch, why did he suddenly have a headache. It turned out to be waiting here.

Look at this dress, it took a lot of thought, but it's a pity that I ran into my master's son

The man next to him might be complacent seeing this, thinking that the woman has her own in her heart, and she did all these tricks just to please her.

But my master definitely wouldn't think so, he would only be annoyed at being calculated.

"Check it out for me," the fourth master said coldly, "I want to know what's weird in this house! The masters and servants of Mrs. An will be put under control, and they are not allowed to go out. If there is a word from outside , don’t serve me in front of my master!”

"Yes, master."

Fourth Master stormed away angrily.

Angeg cried bitterly.

After leaving the room, the breeze was blowing and the sun was bright. Fourth Master took a deep breath and felt much better.

The heart that was about to move also slowly calmed down.

He wasn't sure if An Shi had drugged him, if not, he was really a little moved when he saw her like that just now, if yes, he basically didn't feel anything wrong at this moment.

Just now I was like, like a ghost

But no matter what, that bitch Anshi clearly did it on purpose! If she dared to plot against herself, she would bear the consequences of being dealt with.

Fourth Master had a cold face, and finished drinking a cup of tea in a leisurely manner. Mu Jin and the two children finally came back.

The two children got a little dirty from playing, so the nannies took them back to Dongkua Yard to change their clothes and clean them, and coax them to take a nap. They also had to attend the banquet in the evening, so as not to be distracted.

When Mu Jin entered the room, he saw the old man sitting there drinking tea with a cold face, as if looking murderous, with his back straightened, and the posture of a golden horse with a big knife, as if he came to this room to wait for the master to come back to collect debts.

Mu Jin was taken aback by this thought, and was about to speak with a smile, when Fourth Master said to her, "Come here!"

When Mu Jin stepped forward, he hugged her and sat on his lap. Mu Jin circled his neck, looked at him with clear eyes, and wondered softly: "Master, is this, who owes you money?"

"Owing money?" The fourth master told her to laugh angrily: "Why would Jin'er think so?"

Mu Jin also laughed, and kissed him: "You look like a slave's creditor, waiting in the slave's room to catch the slave and force him to pay the debt!"

Fourth master laughed and scolded: "Nonsense!"

The two said a few words, hugged and kissed for a while, and most of the fourth master's anger dissipated.

However, when Mu Jin asked him what happened, he made him confuse him with other words, and when she asked again, he simply kissed her lips and sealed them.

He has no face to say.

This thing is too embarrassing.

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