Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2165 At least, in terms of character, he is impeccable

For a moment, Ling Zhu subconsciously felt a bit of resentment.

After all, she was still not reconciled, and sighed to Bihong: "Aunt Bihong, please think about it again, I really want to treat that child well and make it up to her!"

Bihong smiled: "Then I'm here to wish Master Ling Zhu find his daughter as soon as possible!"

Ling Zhu choked hard again.

This can't last any longer!

Turn around and leave immediately.

Liang Jiugong suppressed his laughter and ordered a little eunuch to take him out.

As for him, he is not worthy of labor. Eunuch Liang sent him off in person.

Bihong smiled, got up and went back to chat with Lord Kangxi.

Lord Kangxi was getting a little impatient with the wait, and was about to get angry at random, when he raised his eyes and saw Bihong, his expression subconsciously slowed down: "Is it finished?"

"There's nothing to say at all!" Bihong sat down beside him, and said, "Some people just like to add drama to themselves!"

Lord Kangxi sneered, "Heh!", "It's not too early and not too late, but this is the time. It's quite interesting."

What could fool him? Isn't the side Fujin next to the third child who has a good reputation as Ling Zhu's daughter?

"It's reasonable," Bihong said with a smile: "After all, people only now know that the origin of the okra is related to me, so it's normal for them to talk to me."

Lord Kangxi said "hehe!" again, is it normal? This is simply abnormal under the cloak of normality.

If it was normal, they wouldn't be running over to look for Bihong right now.

In the entire summer resort, does anyone know what happened recently? Does anyone know that the emperor is in a bad mood?

If it was normal, how dare a mere Ling Zhu dare to come to see him and Bihong at this time?

Why can't you wait? Ah! Isn't it because the okra was raised by Bihong, and the okra is also on good terms with the fourth child's side Fujin Mu family!

Bihong couldn't help but glance at Lord Kangxi, thinking that it's not good if this person is too smart, he's just looking for trouble, isn't he?

"Anyway, you have already made up your mind, besides, what do you care about so much?"

Lord Kangxi sneered: "That's true!"

I used to think that the third child was a good person, but I didn't want to think that my thoughts were not pure, and I kept making small moves behind my back.

He sighed again: "Speaking of which, the fourth child is really good."

The boss didn't admire him, but the first thing Da Fujin thought of was not to find the eighth couple, but to go to the fourth and Mu's.

And he didn't shirk his suspicions, and he really took the Mu family over there.

Not to mention anything else, at least, in terms of character, he is impeccable.

Otherwise, Duan Duan, the boss, wouldn't go to him.

If he can treat the elders well, he will naturally treat Yinfeng well

Ling Zhu left the Palace of Lord Kangxi in a panic, and Niu Gulu, who had been waiting for the news, soon learned the result.

Big disappointment!

"That bitch Qiukui really doesn't know how to flatter her! As a son of man, she doesn't recognize her parents and ancestors, and she is not afraid of thunder!"

Niu Gulu originally thought that Aunt Bihong was reasonable and understood righteousness, but unexpectedly, she was also a mean person.

But she didn't dare to scold Aunt Bihong at all, even secretly, so she could only vent her anger on Qiukui.

Thinking of the third master, Niu Gulu couldn't help feeling timid and beating his drums. Third master, I'm afraid that third master will be angry

But the third master was waiting for the news, and she couldn't evade it at all.

Sure enough, as soon as Niu Gulushi had the courage to speak, the third master asked the result straightforwardly, even if she wanted to buffer it.

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