Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2166 Even if he wants to reward, he has to give it out

As soon as Niu Gulushi bit the bullet and opened his mouth, the third master asked the result bluntly, and she couldn't buffer it even if she wanted to.

Knowing the result, the third master was furious, and reprimanded: "You can't handle such a small matter well, what use are you for!"

Niu Yulu felt a little uncomfortable and aggrieved, and couldn't help distinguishing: "Then Aunt Bihong is as intolerant as okra, and so is the servant's father, and he can't do anything about it. What's the reason for this? No one would do this, maybe, maybe Okra really isn't a slave's family member."

Now that the matter has come to this point, she hopes that the okra is really gone, so that the third master won't blame her.

The third master knew a little bit, and sneered when he heard the words: "If it wasn't for your mother being too much at the beginning, why did you come to this? And you are the same! You offended people hard at the beginning, how can they admit it now? They don't have enough backing Is it big? Is it possible that I still have to rely on your family!"

These words almost slapped the face, Niu Gulushi was so ashamed and angry that his face was hot from the sting.

How did she know? It's not that bitch Okra who keeps everything secret! If she had said it earlier, no one would have treated her that way.

If she had said it earlier, the family would naturally happily take her home, and the whole family would be happy.

It was clear that she didn't want to go back at all, deliberately concealed it, and deliberately wanted to see her family make a fool of herself!

that bitch!

She and her dead mother are not reassuring.

"No! Even if she doesn't admit it, you have to express your opinion," the third master was full of worry and eagerness, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't take advantage of the fourth master, and he couldn't let Qiukui help the fourth master speak well in front of the emperor, he had to try anyway It is also good to try to save three or four points.

He said decisively: "Choose some of the best jewellery, look at the emerald white jade with pearls and plum flower hairpins, gold silk inlaid with jewels and emeralds, pearls inlaid with emerald flowers and butterfly hairpins, and that pair of tortoise shell inlaid treasure bracelets are all good. Tomorrow, go and get close to that okra, and deliver the things."

Niu Gulu's complexion changed, and the already forced smile was on the verge of cracking.

heart is bleeding

Going out this trip is to socialize with so many kings and grandchildren, and so many Mongolian kings and grandchildren are there, Niu Gulu's love of vanity, so he brought all his best jewelry.

The few things that the third master said are her best things.

The family background of the Sanye's house was not very rich. Later, in order to gain a good reputation, the people in Shilin were much poorer.

Although the life in the mansion is not too tight, it is definitely tight and must be carefully calculated.

Clothes and jewellery, etc., depend on the rewards from the palace during the Spring Festival to get a few good ones. If you want to go to the well-known and time-honored jewelry pavilion in the capital to make fashionable and expensive jewelry, you don't even have to think about it.

Every time she saw Mu Jin attend some banquets or parties, the jewelry she wore was different almost every time, and all of them were expensive, Niu Gulu became extremely jealous.

Who told someone to have a rich and good family?

It was easy for the third master to say it now, but he actually asked her to take out almost half of the good things and give it to Okra!

"Why? Are you reluctant?" The third master was displeased, frowning impatiently and said: "It's just a few pieces of jewelry, and I will reward you when I return to Beijing!"

Where did Niu Gulu believe this? Even if he wants to reward, he has to get it out.

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