Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2172 More eyes are still on the third and fourth masters

Although there is no such feeling of freedom under the noses of these two girls, it is torture, but it is much better than falling into a desperate situation.

The Zhijun Prince's Mansion has been sealed off, and the Zhijun King's Hefu has been closed up and down. Everyone knows that the Zhijun King is over.

Prince Li still lives in Yuqing Palace, and is also confined by the whole house.

Lord Kangxi issued another decree, bestowing a royal mansion on Prince Li, ordering the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Industry to hurry up to repair and furnish it, and Prince Li's family must move in within two months.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Industry were immediately busy without touching the ground.

Even though Prince Li is no longer the crown prince, the emperor obviously still has a fatherly heart towards him, so the job of repairing the palace cannot be sloppy.

Although the construction of Prince Li's mansion made everyone feel that the emperor is different from Prince Li, Prince Li is obviously a thing of the past.

Everyone's eyes were still fixed on the third and fourth masters.

These two mansions became lively all of a sudden, even the mansions of the Thirteenth Lord, the Fourteenth Lord and other brothers' mansions were more lively than before.

After all, it is more reliable to inquire about news from multiple parties than unilaterally.

In the fourth master's mansion, Fujin soon lost his energy again, so he had to tell Mu Jin about meeting the guests, let Mu Jin accompany him, and almost let Mu Jin socialize alone.

Even though she was unwilling to allow Mu Jin to segregate power, she also knew that she must not get sick, hire a doctor, or hold back at this time.

And the fourth master looked down on Li Shi, it was impossible to ask Li Shi to treat guests, and the others were not qualified enough, so there was only Mu Jin.

Fourth master was very relieved to leave the entertainment to Mu Jin.

Recently, he has too many things to do and can't be distracted. After returning home, he often sits in the study for a long time, or meets some people, thinking and discussing plans.

I often go to Yuping Courtyard late at night, and talk to Mu Jin to relax.

Mu Jin didn't go to Qingtong Courtyard recently, for fear of disturbing Fourth Master, or bumping into his staff and courtiers, it would be bad.

On this day, the concubine de concubine sent someone to deliver a message, asking the fourth master to go to the Yonghe Palace.

When the Fourth Master heard about De Concubine Empress, he subconsciously felt disgusted. After returning to Beijing, he, Fujin, Mu Jin, Thirteenth Brother, Fourteenth Brother, etc. went to greet Emiang once the next day. I was busy all the time, so I didn't go again.

Perhaps, it is also subconsciously unwilling to go.

No one knows better than him what his mother-in-law would say to him now.

But since she was looking for him, he had no choice but to go.

In Yonghe Palace, Empress Defei seemed to be in a good mood, and she was very kind and caring to Fourth Master.

The mother and son exchanged a few words of kindness and filial piety, and the concubine de concubine turned her eyes away from all irrelevant people, and sighed softly: "Fourth, in the current situation, do you have any plans?"

Of course, fourth master would not reveal his plan. Once he did, his mother-in-law would definitely be furious.

"The son naturally listens to Huang Ama."

This is true, but the concubine de concubine was still successfully choked by the fourth master.

She couldn't help but secretly gritted her teeth, thinking that the fourth child was really getting narrower, and she couldn't believe that he didn't know what he meant, but used such high-sounding nonsense to deal with her.

"Let me just say it straight," Defei said, "The crown prince has been abolished, and the position of crown prince is vacant. Someone has to take it. Now the king of Zhijun is not qualified, and everyone else has their own shortcomings. Your emperor Ma may not see it. Why don't you help the fourteenth brother!"

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