Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2173 Fourth master has been listening with a face as calm as water

"Your fourteenth brother is pure filial piety, both civil and military, good character, and the emperor has praised him. Besides, he is going to have a son-in-law soon, and when he becomes Ama, he will naturally be more mature and stable than before!"

"You help in the planning and planning, and when the time is right, you can help your Huang Ama with a few good words. The future will come true, and your benefits will naturally be indispensable! Your fourteenth brother is not such a fickle person, and will definitely rely on you. "

"Fourth brother, you are brothers, you have to help your fourteenth brother."

"Don't blame Erniang for being biased. You offended many people about the treasury's recovery, but you didn't offend them directly, and many ministers are wary of you. Under such circumstances, I'm afraid your chances of winning are not Not too big, why not support your fourteenth brother?"

"Emiang's words are all from the heart, fourth child, you will understand Emiang!"

Fourth Master kept his face as calm as water.

He originally thought that he would be angry, unwilling, and even - wronged when he heard Er Niang's words, but he felt calm in his heart.

It was so calm that even he himself was a little surprised.

He was so calm that he actually felt like laughing a little.

His mother-in-law asked him to help his fourteenth younger brother, who was inferior to him in every way, to seize the position of crown prince, but also to poke his heart with words like his son.

She clearly knew that it was impossible for him to have a son in his life.

Well, she is really his good mother.

"Emiang, the fourteenth brother is not bad, but he is young. If Huang Ama wants to establish a heir at the moment, it is absolutely impossible for the fourteenth brother to consider."


"Emiang, listen to your son first. My son thinks that Huang Ama is in the prime of his life now, and he is fierce, and he is not in a hurry to establish a crown prince. Besides, Huang Ama's affection for Prince Li is unmatched by others, and he has just been deposed. Huang Ama may not have the intention to establish another crown prince in a short period of time. Er Niang's heart is a little too early. Why don't you wait a little longer!"

"My son would like to remind Erniang that Huang Ama is very human, so don't try to play tricks on him. I think Erniang knows this very well. Otherwise, I'm afraid the loss will outweigh the gain."

"" Concubine De concubine looked at fourth master, suppressed the feeling of anger in her heart, and sighed for a while: "What you said makes sense, yes, Er Niang is a little too hasty. Perhaps, your Huang Ama is now It’s true that you don’t have the intention to establish a prince. But preparations are always made, fourth brother, what do you think about this matter?”

A sneer flashed across the eyes of the fourth master, "Just watch! Who knows which cloud in the sky will rain this day? Huang Ama is wise, we are sons, but we must do our duty. How will the final decision be made? It means Huang Ama."

Concubine De frowned, very dissatisfied.

It's like saying nothing.

"You—oh, that's all! What you said is also reasonable, but do your duty!" Empress Defei knew that she would never be able to beat this son in Tai Chi, so she gave up her plan to continue to press.

She has already asked so bluntly that he still has this attitude, what else can she do?

Or how could he not be liked at all?

The old fourteen has never been like him, who is not sincere enough to his mother-in-law!

"Aunt Bihong, what's going on? Do you know?"

The fourth master shook his head: "That's Huang Ama's private matter, a son wouldn't dare to inquire about it. However, Huang Ama values ​​Aunt Bihong very much."

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