The Fourteenth Master didn't expect his mother-in-law to react so strongly to this matter, and was a little stunned for a moment.

Then I was a little aggrieved, "Emiang, why are you so angry, this, this is not necessary to accept her! She is nothing more than a woman!"

What kind of character is Huang Ama? Can a woman influence Huang Ama's decision on Jiangshan Sheji? Besides, Okra was just adopted by Aunt Bihong.

The concubine de concubine was so angry, she felt that everything was going wrong today, even her little son, who had always been obedient and well-behaved, turned against her!

She even subconsciously thought in her heart, could it be that the fourteenth has been doing business with the fourth for a long time, and this temperament has also been influenced by the fourth?

Concubine De concubine suppressed her anger and said in a deep voice: "Emiang is wholeheartedly for your own good, you just do what you want, where is there so much nonsense? Is it possible that Emiang will harm you? In short, do you want this person? ?”

What kind of person is Lord Kangxi? As a high-ranking concubine who has been in the harem for decades, how can she not understand a little bit?

For so many years, why has Lord Kangxi treated other women like he treated Aunt Bihong? Never!

Although Aunt Bihong did not enter the palace for some unknown reason, let alone how Lord Kangxi treated her in Chengde and on the way back.

After returning to Beijing, this is less than ten days, right? Concubine De had inquired about it secretly, so Lord Kangxi went out of the palace four times to Changchun Garden in low clothes. Ah!

It is conceivable how important that woman is to him and how deeply it will affect him.

Old Fourteen doesn't understand anything at all!

After all, the Fourteenth Lord was the one who had been pinched by his mother-in-law for so many years. Once the Concubine De concubine put on a straight face and scolded him, he subconsciously softened a little, and did not dare to fight against her.

However, if he regressed in other things, he regressed. This matter is really not good!

It was absolutely impossible for Okra to marry him, and he didn't dare to ask for it. That woman scares people to death with a cold face all day long, and she will really beat people up if she doesn't agree with her.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and the Fourteenth Master hurriedly said: "Emiang, there is something that my son didn't want to say at first, but now it seems that I can't do it if I don't. Okra has a relationship with mynah, and they have a lot of contacts in private. She wants to Whoever follows one of our brothers must be myna, and I definitely won't follow anyone else! I can't rob people with myna!"

Empress Defei was shocked: "What did you say? Is what you said true?"

If, if this is the case, it will be difficult to handle.

After all, with Qiukui's current status, it's up to her to marry whoever she wants, and no one can force her, even if the dignified concubine is a noble concubine.

And Ba Ye is also a prince, and even now his status is higher than that of the old fourteen, and his appearance is also handsome. If Qiukui really has feelings for him, how can he still look up to the old fourteen?

When the Fourteenth Lord saw the reaction of Empress Concubine De in such a way, he knew that she had probably given up her calculations, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded quickly: "Of course it is true, how dare my son make fun of such things! If it weren't for the eighth sister-in-law to be too domineering Well, the starling is afraid that Qiukui will be wronged, I am afraid that he has taken her into the mansion long ago."

Empress Defei sighed, "What a pity!"

With Qiukui's current status, Bafujin may not dare to be rude to her, alas, what a pity

The fourteenth master had a big stone in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Then, mother, please don't mention this matter again, so as not to hurt the friendship between us brothers."

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