Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2178 She doesn't believe that he doesn't know about it

Concubine De concubine glared at him angrily: "Why doesn't this palace know? You need to tell me?"

Hurting the friendship between the brothers is second to none. If the emperor knows about the brothers' fight for a daughter, it will definitely make the emperor angry.

The Concubine De concubine lost interest immediately, and told him to do his job well recently, and it was best to show his face in front of Huang Ama more often, to please him Huang Ama, and after saying a few words casually, she sent Fourteenth Master to leave first.

What the Fourteenth Master said to the Concubine De Fei was also a little emotional, ready to move, and unconsciously felt that if he performed well, the future was still very promising.

Huang Ama is not very old now, she is in the prime of life, maybe after a few years, she really caught his eye

Who would not want such a supreme position?

Anyone else is not qualified to think about it, and brothers like them, if they are a little angry, it would be hypocritical to say that they don't want to.

Concubine De concubine had troubles one after another today, and she was quite unhappy.

Thinking about the fact that I mentioned to Fourth Master before that he would help tell Fourteenth Master Okra, Fourth Master was all over the place to evade it, but he didn't mention a word that Okra had already secretly communicated with Eighth Master about the song, so he made it clear that he just wanted to watch it with a cold eye. The concubine Defei couldn't help being even more annoyed at his own joke.

She couldn't believe that he didn't know about it!

Knowing it but not mentioning half a word, what is the intention? After all, does she still have her mother in her eyes?

She had never thought about it, nor did she know that the relationship between Okra and Master Eighth was not at all what Master Fourteen had said.

Except last year when Ba Ye was away on a business trip, Qiu Kui was worried about following him secretly, it was this time in Chengde that Qiu Kui met Ba Ye.

In daily life, okra has no connection with Baye at all.

Perhaps, she would secretly pay attention to Ba Ye and Ba Ye's mansion, but she never contacted him, let alone met him.

Where did the fourteenth master put the okra in this call?

Bafujin is overbearing and unreasonable. This is no longer a shadow of a snake, but a random splash of dirty water for no reason.

If Fourteenth Master's words spread to the ears of Fujin by chance, it would be no wonder that Fujin didn't cause more trouble.

Others would be jealous of Aunt Bihong, and treat Okra with hospitality, but with Bafujin's temperament, it was absolutely impossible.

The okra is fine and has not done anything, why should it suffer like this? Why is it called Bafujin trampled on?

If Mu Jin knew that he had said such a thing in front of the Concubine De, he might be tempted to strangle him to death.

Why is such a big man so gossip? It's still the kind of nonsense arrangement!

Jiang Yushi submitted a memorial, with thousands of characters in it, in short, there is only one meaning, that is: to suggest that the emperor establish a prince.

The court seemed to be calm, but everyone was nervous. They were all staring at the memorial, Jiang Yushi's fate, and Kangxi's attitude.

Lord Kangxi kept the papers, but praised Jiang Yushi a few words in a pleasant manner, and everyone's spirits were immediately lifted!

And the excitement and bewilderment after the shock.

Your Majesty, what does this mean? This is simply the intention to establish a new prince in the near future!

If it is said that it will be established after a few years, then it is hard to say who will get it.

After all, within a few years, there are too many variables, and the few princes who seem young now may have experienced training.

But if we talk about right now, there is a great probability that it will be the third master and the fourth master.

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