Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2185 Listening to Mu Jin, fourth master's face turned black

When fourth master came back, it was already late at night.

Because Mu Jin sent someone to wait, the fourth master came to Yuping Courtyard as soon as he got back home, and sat down with her with a smile: "What's the matter?"

At a time like this, if it wasn't something really important, his family, Jin'er, definitely wouldn't ask someone to wait for him.

Mu Jin smiled wryly. In fact, she really couldn't wait.

Because the second sister-in-law made it clear that the second son of Wu Ya's family had stopped talking, and would come to the door tomorrow.

Hearing what Mu Jin said, fourth master's face turned dark.

"Bastard! Disgraceful!"

Fourth master gritted his teeth and cursed.

Mu Jin thought so deeply in her heart, so naturally she was not easy to go along with it, but she couldn't scold him when the fourth master scolded her. No matter what, she had to save some face for the concubine de concubine.

"Master, don't be angry at such a foolish person. This slave just wants to ask the master for an idea. What should we do about this matter? It's not all about money. It's just that it's so sudden. There must be an explanation. Besides, okay? Well, it happened at this time, the servant always thinks it's a bit too coincidental."

The fourth master sneered: "It's not such a coincidence! I also think it's a coincidence! My master told Su Peisheng to go to Wu Ya's house tomorrow morning. I want to see if this is the second cousin's idea. , or Wu Ya's idea."

Mu Jin was taken aback, no, whose idea was this? The problem explained is different.

Then he smiled and said, "With my master's words, the slave will feel at ease!"

The fourth master nodded, held her hand and squeezed it gently, and said softly: "This time you wronged your natal family, I will remember it in my heart. Next time I see your natal family, talk to them carefully. "

Mu Jin's heart was sweet, she leaned against the fourth master, raised her eyes and said softly: "If the master and son say this, the slave's natal family will not be wronged."

The fourth master smiled, lowered his eyes and said: "Jin'er has always saved trouble, and won the heart of the master."

"That's natural!" The two looked at each other and smiled.

If Mu Jin's family didn't come to inform her of this matter in time, but dealt with it by herself, no matter what she did, there would be no guarantee that there would be no future troubles.

If the bastard of the third child is really making trouble behind the scenes, the situation will only get worse.

Fortunately, the Mu family came in time.

This allowed him to respond in time.

The two talked for a while, then took a break together.

Early the next morning, fourth master got up early as usual.

With fourth master's words, Mu Jin didn't worry anymore and got up as usual.

I just thought that it was an extraordinary period, and I was afraid that my natal family would be anxious, so I sent someone back to say that the fourth master had already intervened at this moment, and let my natal family wait and see what happened.

In case of any accident, come over and tell her in time.

Let's talk about Wu Ya's family, the whole family had just had breakfast, and before they had time to go out, they asked Su Peisheng to bring people to block them.

Su Peisheng was kind enough to ask the palace guards to keep an eye on him, and let them have breakfast before coming to the door.

As fourth master's number one confidant, the Wu Ya family members naturally knew each other, and they could be considered familiar.

After all, the fourth master looked down on Wu Ya's family no matter how much they were, they were also his mother's natal family, even if he was raised by Empress Xiao Yiren, he still had to recognize this relative.

He didn't come to the door himself, so he had to ask Su Peisheng to visit occasionally.

Therefore, when Wu Ya's family saw Su Peisheng, everyone's eyes lit up in unison. Zhang Jia's and Mrs. Zhang hurriedly greeted each other with smiles on their faces, and told the girl to make the best tea and bring snacks. , Some didn’t talk endlessly.

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