Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2186 If one fails

It's just that seeing Su Peisheng with both hands empty-handed, Zhang Jiashi, Mrs. Zhang, mother and daughter looked at each other, more or less showing that they were not happy.

Where are the empty-handed people here? Fourth master is too mean, don't you take your uncle's family seriously?

Even if he is the elder brother of the prince and the prince, his master is still his uncle!

Wu Yahongde didn't have as many twists and turns as they did. He was very happy to see Su Peisheng, and he kept smiling and said, "It's hard for the fourth master to miss us. How is the fourth master now? Is the fourteenth master also okay?" ? Is everything going well for the empress in the palace?"

Su Peisheng smiled and replied to his words one by one with a bit of respect, sighing inwardly.

I said in my heart that for a hundred thousand taels of silver, an honest man like my uncle would definitely not be able to do such a thing, it must be the second uncle's own idea.

This second uncle is not a good guy at all, if the fourth master hadn't harassed him a few times, and he still couldn't tell the pain, he was calmed down, maybe he would have revealed it long ago What a big basket is coming!

No, at the critical moment when the fourth master seized the heir, he jumped out to make trouble again.

If this one can't be done well, isn't it difficult for fourth master to be a man?

If you don't have that ability, can't you just eat, drink, play and live your life honestly? With fourth master here, how could he treat them badly?

Su Peisheng said with a smile: "Master let the slave come to the house today, but there is something I would like to ask my uncle for clarification, and I would like to ask my uncle for advice."

Without waiting for Wu Yahongde to say anything, Zhang Jiashi hurriedly laughed and said, "Oh, fourth master is too polite, my family, why don't you give me advice, how can you be so lucky! Su Gonggong, just say it!"

Wu Yahongde also quickly nodded and smiled: "Yes, yes, please tell me, Eunuch Su, as long as I know, I must tell fourth master clearly."

"If you have uncle and wife, I will feel at ease." Su Peisheng glanced at Wu Ya'an and smiled at Wu Yahongde: "Yesterday, the second uncle went to Mu's house, the mother's home of our master's side Fujin Mu family. I went there, saying that I need to borrow one hundred thousand taels of silver for urgent needs. One hundred thousand taels is not a small sum, it just so happened that Mu Cai Fujin sent someone back to her mother's house yesterday, and after learning about it, the master happened to be there when the girl replied, Then I knew it too. Therefore, I specially sent my servants to ask my uncle, but if something happened at home, do you need money?"

Except Wu Ya'an and his face changed drastically, everyone else was shocked!

Wu Yahongde was even more frightened: "What, what? One hundred thousand taels! Second child, what's going on?"

Zhang Jiashi was also a little scared, and also a little anxious, and glared at her son angrily: "Tell me quickly, what's the matter? God, why do you need so much money!"

One hundred thousand taels, she never dared to think about it in her life.

Wu Ya'an flew into a rage, angrily cursing: "Mu family bastard! This is, this is suing the fourth master! It's just the fourth master's side Fujin's natal family, what is it? I am willing to spend money from their family. Their family's face, bah, they shied away in front of their faces, but they found fourth master behind their backs, let's see how I teach them a lesson today!"

"It's just one hundred thousand taels of silver. It can't be taken out by other families, and neither can their Mu family? The Mu family's income is no less than two or three million yuan a year. If it weren't for the support of the fourth master's house, their family could earn so much What! Our family is the fourth master's niece, what's the matter with asking him for a hundred thousand flowers?"

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