Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2195 What Jin'er said makes sense

Mu Jin also raised her eyes to look at him, gently held his hand, and smiled softly: "Master, what do you think? You are kind to this slave, so this slave dares to say such things to you. If you are someone else, this slave will not be so kind to you." Never mind!"

The fourth master couldn't help laughing, hugged her into his arms, lowered his head and rubbed against her affectionately, kissed her lightly on the face and lips, and sighed softly: "Of course I trust Jin'er, I know that Jin'er is out of my heart It's just that this matter has caused trouble for the Mu family."

Mu Jin smiled and said: "It's nothing! As long as there is a word from the master, the slave's second brother and second sister-in-law will naturally know what to do. They have a sense of propriety when dealing with such people!"

Fourth master nodded slowly.

I thought I would agree, but after thinking about it, I seemed, seemed a little overconfident. What if he was finally defeated in this battle with the third child?

What if he loses in the end? Although Fourth Master himself is very confident and feels that there is a high probability that he will not lose, but before the matter is really settled, any reversal is possible, isn't it?

If that's the case, then it seems a bit too ridiculous and too arrogant to rush to arrange the Wu Ya family's family now.

"There's no rush for now, let's talk about it later." Fourth Master said with a smile.

"Master!" After thinking about it for a while, Mu Jin understood what he was worried about. She leaned into his arms and smiled, "It will be too late. Everything must be decided before moving. It's cold at this time." The stove is the best, but by then it may not be as effective as it is now.”

Fourth master raised his eyebrows: ""

It seems that what his family Jin'er said makes sense, but——

"Master, what are you worried about?" Mu Jin smiled and said, "You will definitely be the crown prince, you will be."

Fourth Master loves to hear these words, but he is also a little dumbfounded: "Does Jin'er believe in Master so much?"

"Naturally, my slave is sure that the third master is no match for you! Apart from being a little older than you, he is inferior to you in everything else! Huang Ama is a sensible person and will definitely choose you."

Fourth master: ""

"Besides," Mu Jin smiled, "Wouldn't it be troublesome for the master of the Wuya family to deal with it? The slave's second elder brother and second sister-in-law are professional, and they took over. From now on, the master doesn't have to worry about it anymore." Now, it's one less troublesome thing, isn't it?"

Fourth Master thought about it, and it really is.

"That's it. I'll leave this matter to Jin'er." The fourth master stroked her face and said with a smile, "I will remember the Mu family."

Mu Jin smiled: "Then this servant thanked the master on behalf of the Mu family!"

Fourth Master smiled, his gaze fell on her lower abdomen, he couldn't help reaching out to stroke her gently, a little distressed: "Why hasn't there been any movement?"

Mu Jin blushed and stammered, "This, it depends on God's will."

It's really hard to say something like an heir.

Fourth master chuckled: "It depends on God's will, you have to do your best!"

Fourth master's eyes were deep and meaningful, and Mu Jin's face became hotter. Thinking that the two of them hadn't had a good intimacy for several days, she immediately rubbed into his arms in shame.

Fourth master smiled happily, and carried her into the bedroom

The fourth master handed over the matter of the gambling house to the senior management.

Originally, he wanted to catch the two men who seduced Wu Ya'an and the one who went to the gambling house, but they were very cunning and never showed their faces again.

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