Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2196 So far, no need to wait any longer

The executives thought about it, since those two people are not showing up now, they will definitely not come out in a short time.

Besides, fourth master and he knew who was behind this matter. To put it bluntly, those two people were just pawns.

One hundred thousand taels of silver is not much, so the executive called someone to come forward and return the silver.

The background involved in the gambling house is not small, so it will not move for the time being.

But where is fourth master's temperament to suffer? Not moving now does not mean not moving in the future.

The executives arranged for people to watch the gambling house secretly, collect evidence, and wait for the right time to catch them all.

As for Sanye Mansion.

Fourth master didn't touch him for the time being. He doesn't bother to use such a dirty method that can't be seen on the stage.

It seems ridiculous that the third master wants to win him by this method!

After this time, it is impossible for the third master to plot against him.

The fourth master didn't believe that his family, Huang Ama, hadn't sent anyone to secretly watch him and the third master during this period of time. The third master's method fell into the eyes of Huang Ama, so it's no wonder that Huang Ama liked it!

He was smug in the dark, but he didn't know that he had already fallen into the bottom line.

If he wants to understand this point in the future, he will probably die of anger.

Fourth Master's prediction was correct, although Lord Kangxi had already favored Fourth Master in the emperor's heart, he didn't want to be obtained by Fourth Master so easily.

He saw all the open and secret fights between the fourth master and the third master, but he just watched with cold eyes and did nothing.

Fourth Master has the determination and ability to do business. He also wants to see how he is in terms of tactics. Undoubtedly, the third master is the best whetstone right now.

Poor third master, if he knew what his Royal Ama was thinking, he would probably pass out from grief and anger.

The third master couldn't mess with the fourth master, so he secretly sent someone to find Wu Ya's family, and used such unsightly means, it really disgusted Kangxi master!

Lord Kangxi immediately decided that enough is enough, let's stop here, there is no need to wait any longer.

When Lord Kangxi reprimanded a second-rank official from the third master's faction in the early court, there was an uproar in the hearts of all the ministers!

The third master's expression changed on the spot.

Everyone knows what that means.

It doesn't matter whether the second-rank official who was reprimanded really did something wrong, what matters is who he is, and why he is being reprimanded by the emperor at this moment.

If the emperor prefers the third master, he will definitely not disrespect the third master like this!

Then, the meaning of the emperor is naturally very clear.

This night was another sleepless night for countless people.

Fourth master was also a little nervous. Nervous and unwilling to be seen as nervous, he had to hold back.

When he came in front of Mu Jin, he couldn't bear it any longer, and dragged Mu Jin to speak incoherently.

Mu Jin was quite happy at first, she didn't feel nervous at all, only one kind: Look, I'm right! The feeling of dust settled.

As a result, being influenced by fourth master, he became a little nervous.

However, everything is moving in the direction they expected.

With the addition of Lord Kangxi, things quickly changed from evenly matched to one-sided.

No one expected that Lord Kangxi's attack was so swift that those who beat him were caught off guard.

While reprimanding three or four people from the third master's side one after another, he also greatly praised the fourth master, the thirteenth master, and the fourteenth master. Everyone knew that the thirteenth master and the fourteenth master belonged to the fourth master.

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