Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2213 is getting more and more unwilling

After a whole day of excitement, the celebratory palace banquet ended, and it was already late at night.

Back in the mansion, Fujin quickly drank the medicine, lay down and rested for a while before feeling better.

After the whole process of today's canonization ceremony, she almost missed her life.

She had never hated her frail body so much as now!

Without a good body to enjoy, even the best things will be greatly discounted when it comes to her, and nothing can be perfect.

However, the fourth master could not accept the order from Yuqing Palace, and Huang Ama agreed, which made Fujin even more disappointed and heartbroken.

One must know that she had already made up her mind that after she moved into Yuqing Palace, she would always try to get Empress Defei to discipline Mu Jin properly, she believed that Empress Defei would be very happy.

Not to mention too much, as long as the fourth master can distribute a small half of the favor given to Mu Jin to other women and have a few more children, that's enough.

I don't want to, Fourth Master just asked for an order not to move!

The emperor is in his prime, God knows how long the whole family will live in Lama Temple? When Brother Nian becomes an adult, and when Mu Jin gives birth to four sons for Fourth Master, then the overall situation will be settled and it will be too late.

"Ma'am, tell me, could it be that that bitch of the Mu family persuaded the master not to move into the palace?"

Fujin couldn't help asking.

Grandma Wu was stunned by her words, and hurriedly said: "Fu Jin, this, this can't be right, master, master is not that stupid, how can Mu Fang Fujin handle such a big matter?"

Fujin laughed to himself, and laughed at himself: "No, I've lost my head!"

But Nanny Wu sighed secretly, Fujin is not in a daze, but is becoming more and more jealous of Mu Caifujin.

In other words, I am getting more and more unwilling!

In these days, Fourth Master naturally didn't want to rest in Yuping Courtyard, so he had to go back to Qingtong Courtyard, feeling a little unhappy after all.

Today his wish was fulfilled, he really wanted to hug and kiss Jin'er, have a good talk with her, make love with her to the fullest, and sleep in each other's arms, instead of lying alone and looking at the curtains Excited.

It's a bit miserable no matter how you think about it.

It doesn't make sense to officially become a prince today, and soon after the new year will ascend the throne and succeed the emperor, but the more messed up, the worse it is, right?

The fourth master couldn't hold back, and ordered Su Peisheng: "Bring a bowl of hangover soup to Mu Fangfujin, and see if she has fallen asleep. If she falls asleep, forget it!"

Su Peisheng couldn't help raising his eyes to look at his master, and bowed in a calm expression "Yes", and quickly stepped back to deal with business.

Master's awkward temper, fortunately, it's him, Eunuch Su. If it were someone else, how could he understand the implication of how many twists and turns he made?

Why sober up soup? Don't you just want to call Mu Fangfujin over?

However, it's no wonder the master didn't want to say clearly that today is the gold award festival, and according to the rules, the master can't call Mu Fangfujin over.

Mu Jin hasn't gone to bed yet, she just took off her make-up and took a bath and took off her hair bun, ready to sleep later.

Su Peisheng came at the right time.

Mu Jin accepted the hangover soup, didn't drink it, and said with a smile that she should go to thank the master.

Su Peisheng immediately felt relieved, and immediately laughed with him: "Mu Fangfujin has a heart!"

Buckwheat and Xiaotao hurriedly took out clothes to change for Mu Jin. Mu Jin looked down at the light apricot-colored soft satin pajamas on her body, waved her hands and said with a smile: "You don't need to be so troublesome, just get a long cloak."

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