Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2214 Concubine De concubine didn't see them

With her hair tied loosely with jade hairpins, and the orange-yellow grape-wrapped silver-striped satin cloak that reached her feet was tightly wrapped from head to toe, and Mu Jin just followed Su Peisheng to Qingtongyuan.

"Master!" Mu Jin entered the room with a smile, and walked towards Fourth Master.

Fourth Master was waiting for her, he naturally put his arms around her, and said with a smile, "I didn't disturb your sleep."

Mu Jin shook her head, and said sweetly: "The slave is also thinking about the master, and is about to sleep, but who knows that Eunuch Su will go."

The fourth master let out a "hmm", thinking to himself that it was a fluke, and said in his heart that thanks to that servant Su Peisheng's quick hands and feet, otherwise Jin'er would not have the heart to wake her up after she was already lying down.

Mu Jin laughed again: "The slave hasn't congratulated the master yet!" After speaking, she took two steps back and bowed her knees to him.

The fourth master put his hands on her shoulders and helped her up, with a smile on his face: "Jin'er has a heart, I am really happy today, and I just want to have a good talk with Jin'er. Come on, take off this cloak."

Seeing that she was still tightly wrapped in a cloak, fourth master smiled and started to untie it.

Mu Jin smiled and let him go.

Unbuttoning the cloak, looking at the woman in front of me wrapped in soft pajamas, the plain clothes are full, showing her figure, I feel pity. The cross-collared pajamas revealed a slender neck and a smear of white in front of his body, Fourth Master couldn't help being startled.

Mu Jin told him to see that his face was flushed, his eyes rolled around, he raised his hand shyly, and took off the jade hairpin in the loose bun, the black oily hair fell down smoothly and fell down on the shoulders behind him, making his skin whiter and more beautiful. Bright eyes and bright teeth.

The woman with a slender figure, charming eyebrows, and Gu Panshenghui's sweet smile is surrounded by a faint halo, making people feel affectionate and unable to move their eyes away.

Mu Jin curled her lips into a smile, and was about to open her mouth to say something, when Fourth Master violently picked her up and walked towards the bedroom. She exclaimed in a low voice, and wrapped her arms around his neck subconsciously.

"Baby, are you dressed like this to come to find me? Huh? Little fairy"

Mu Jin's face was flushed with embarrassment, and she buried her head in front of his chest, but the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously.

When Mu Jin woke up the next day, the sky was bright and there was no one around her.

She hugged the quilt and rubbed it, her face felt a little hot for a while. After dawdling for a while, Fang Yang called for someone, and got up slowly.

Anyway, this time has come, and there is nothing to hide.

Mu Jin simply changed clothes in Qingtong Courtyard to freshen up before returning to Yuping Courtyard.

If someone sees it, they will say that he came here early in the morning. There is no proof anyway.

Back at Yuping Courtyard, the two children had already woken up, calling "Er Niang" obediently. Mu Jin led the other into the room, and the three of them laughed and played together for a while, and then had breakfast.

After breakfast, they had to change their clothes. Later, the fourth master would go down to court and lead them into the palace to greet the concubine De.

It was just canonized yesterday, so today I should go to the Yonghe Palace no matter what.

The two children are more than three years old, and they have been going for a year, but they can no longer be as happy as they were when they were young, especially Brother Nian, who still has a lot to learn.

Although Mu Jin would not let anyone teach her precious son to be a nerd, but with the change of fourth master's status, the pressure on his son's studies has increased several times in vain.

After the fourth master came back from court, Fujin, Mu Jin, Li Fangfujin, and the four children had all dressed properly and entered the palace together.

No, but Empress Defei didn't see them.

The fourth master led his family to the Yonghe Palace. Aunt Qiu apologized with a somewhat embarrassed smile: "Your Majesty was tired yesterday and didn't have much energy. I'm afraid I won't be able to see the prince, concubine, side concubine, and little concubine today." masters"

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