"Emiang's health, is it better?" After a while, Fourth Master asked.

Empress Defei smiled lightly, and said lightly: "I want you to worry about it, Er Niang is an elderly person, it's normal to feel uncomfortable from time to time, you don't have to worry."

Fourth Master nodded and fell silent again.

Empress Defei couldn't help being a little angry again.

This is not a child raised by oneself, even if it is his own, what is the use? After all, I am not of one mind with myself!

Empress Xiao Yiren didn't know how to raise her son, she raised her son to be so indifferent and ruthless.

Compared with the old fourteen, it's like a sky and a ground

The concubine De concubine took a slow breath, suppressing the dissatisfaction in her heart, "The rumors outside, are they true? Your Empress Ama, do you really plan to take over from you in the next year?"

Fourth Master glanced at Empress Concubine De, and said: "You don't have to worry about this matter, you will naturally know when the time comes."

"It seems to be true!" Empress Defei sighed, a little disappointed.

In this way, the old fourteen really has no hope at all! She wholeheartedly planned for the old fourteen, thinking that the old four could be the help of the old fourteen--doesn't he like to run errands? After the old fourteenth came to power, there were many opportunities for him to run errands.

Unexpectedly, things would turn out like this.

She never thought that the fourth child would become the emperor one day. She didn't think he was right at all.

"Since that's the case, I won't beat around the bush if I have something to say. It's just us, mother and son, so there's no need to be like that." The empress de concubine looked at the fourth master, and asked straight to the point: "When you become emperor, what do you plan to do?" , how to arrange for this mother-in-law of this palace?"

Fourth master's heart sank "suddenly", no wonder!

No wonder Erniang insisted on seeing him and talking to him alone.

She can only talk to herself about this. Because only you can give her the answer.

Unfortunately, he couldn't give her an answer.

"Emiang, where did you start?" The fourth master replied with some surprise: "The arrangement of all the empresses in the harem, including Eniang, is naturally decided by Huang Ama. How dare the sons and daughters mess up?" Come?"

Even if a small nobleman is always present, as long as he is famous, he is his concubine in name. The old man is a Zen position, not dead, of course the old man arranges.

There is nothing wrong with that.

The concubine de concubine became even more angry, her voice was slightly cold: "I don't mean that, let me put it this way, when the time comes, will I be the concubine or the queen?"

The fourth master lowered his eyes, and ridicule quickly flashed across his eyes: "Emiang, I don't know. Huang Ama has her own ideas on how to arrange the Six Palaces. I don't dare to ask Huang Ama about such matters."

The concubine de concubine couldn't bear it any longer: "That's enough! Other people have nothing to do with you, so it's fine if you don't ask, but is this palace someone else? This palace is your biological mother! If you want to, then go and ask the emperor for orders! This is filial piety, is it possible that the emperor should not? You ascended the throne as the emperor, and this palace is your biological mother, so you should be the empress dowager. This is an eternal truth, what do you think?"

The fourth master seemed to understand a little bit why Erniang hoped that the old fourteen would get that position instead of herself.

Because, she can control the old fourteenth.

Thinking of it this way made him feel a little relieved.

"Emiang, calm down, take care of your body," Fourth Master said in a respectful tone, without even the slightest hesitation in what he said: "Emiang, my son has made it very clear that my ministers cannot interfere with how the sixth palace is arranged. "

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