Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2236 I am asking you this!

"Emiang should have confidence in Huang Ama, Huang Ama will not treat Liugong badly."

Empress Defei: ""

Empress Defei was about to explode.

"Bengong wants to hear what you mean, let alone the emperor." The concubine de concubine didn't give fourth master any face anymore, and said coldly, "fourth son, are you willing to let me be the empress dowager?"

Fourth master sighed in his heart, thinking that there is no need to ask? Of course I don't want to!

Although there is only one word difference between the queen mother and the concubine, the difference is huge.

The emperor governs the world with filial piety, and it is the empress dowager who is filial; it is not the concubine who supports the empress dowager with the world.

The emperor's filial piety to the concubine only needs to be a badge in certain years and festivals, and it is enough to reward some at will. The ministers will not question the slightest, but will praise the emperor for his kindness and filial piety.

And what about the princess? Apart from being a man with your tail between your legs, you have no power at all.

If the natal family is powerful, with loose money, or has a good relationship with the current queen or favorite concubine, life will be better. Otherwise, it is common to be bullied by eunuchs and aunts in charge.

Some concubines are so miserable that the palace they live in is leaking and no one repairs it. They can only use basins to catch rainwater on rainy days and move their beds to make do with it.

But for the queen mother, if the emperor doesn't pay her respects to the queen mother for a month, I'm afraid the courtiers will ask her! It is necessary to doubt the emperor's character and filial piety.

And once there is a disturbance in the queen mother's body, the emperor will at least nominally have to wait on her.

If the empress dowager openly expressed dissatisfaction with the emperor, the courtiers and censors could drown the emperor by spitting on stars. Don't even think about it, there must be a lot of "unfilial piety" left in the history books.

"Mother, don't ask your son about this matter, it's useless to ask." The fourth master was not at all ambiguous and didn't let the concubine De concubine stay, and said flatly: "My son believes that Huang Ama's arrangement is the best arrangement."

"This palace is asking you! Asking what you mean!"

"My son has no right to say anything about this matter, Er Niang, Huang Ama will decide this matter. My son's own thoughts are not important, and similarly, forgive my son's blunt words, Er Niang's opinions are not important either."

"You!" Empress Defei was so angry that her eyes went dark, and she scolded angrily: "Presumptuous!"

The concubine de concubine was so angry that she lost her composure, "I am your biological mother, yet you treat me like this. I want to see, you have become the emperor, but you can't afford to be unfilial. "

The fourth master was also angry, got up and said coldly: "Then what do you want your son to do? This matter is up to Huang Ama, and it is only right and proper. How Huang Ama arranges it is up to Huang Ama's consideration. The son is your son, and also the emperor. Ama's son! Don't worry, Er Niang, no matter what, you are my son's Er Niang, and my son has never thought of being unfilial!"

"Thinking that Erniang's body has not fully recovered, it's better to rest and recuperate. My son will retire first."

Before the concubine de concubine could say anything, the fourth master turned and left.

Empress Defei: ""

"This unfilial son! He is so courageous!" Empress Defei grabbed the teacup beside her and threw it out, screaming.

Aunt Qiu came in and saw this, she turned pale with fright, and hurried forward: "Mother, calm down! You and fourth master are biological mother and child, between this biological mother and child—"

"Shut up, Ben Gong!" Empress Defei covered her chest with one hand, panting and trembling, "Ben Gong, Ben Gong doesn't have such an unfilial son!"

"Ben Gong wants to see, he made Ben Gong mad, what good reputation does he have!"

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