Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2237 The fourth master is just lucky

"Ben Gong wants to see, he made Ben Gong mad, what good reputation does he have!"

Aunt Qiu's expression changed drastically.

Fourth Master walked out of Yonghe Palace, calmed his face, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how annoyed he is in his heart, he can't show it on the surface, otherwise, he will fall into countless pairs of eyes that are bright and dark. Countless gossip.

Fourth master was just happy in his heart.

Fortunately, Huang Ama is in the Zen position, not - died.

As for Er Niang, if Huang Ama didn't hold her back, how difficult it would be for me! If you want a good reputation, I'm afraid it won't work.

Erniang will not fulfill him.

And as a son of man and a mother-in-law, as long as he expressed dissatisfaction even a little bit, he would be infinitely magnified and maliciously edited by those who cared, as if all the faults were his, as if he was the most ruthless and unfilial person in the world.

The fourth master left the palace in a depressed mood, and Mu Jin hurriedly asked someone to drive the carriage over.

Fourth master was a little surprised, he didn't expect the carriage in the mansion to be waiting for him here.

He was going back to his residence, so he didn't think too much, and went straight into the carriage.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the curtain of the car was lifted, he met a pair of smiling eyes, and the fourth master was startled.

Mu Jin smiled sweetly, and reached out to him: "Master!"

The fourth master was a little surprised, he came forward with a smile, hugged her and kissed her vigorously: "Where are you waiting for master here? After all, it is Jin'er who loves master."

Mu Jin snuggled into his arms, wrapped her neck around his neck and raised her head with a low coquettish smile: "I think it's almost time for lunch, so I might as well just wait for the master to come back home for lunch together. The slave told me Xiaotao, let Master Zhao cook a few dishes that the master likes, let's go back home now."

The fourth master was heartbroken, said yes with a smile, looked at each other, and both of them laughed.

Mu Jin couldn't help stroking his face, touching it lightly, feeling a little distressed, and said softly: "I've been too busy these days, and I seem to have lost weight."

The fourth master smiled: "It will be fine after a while. Well, if Jin'er is more considerate, comforts and comforts Grandpa, and tells Grandpa to relax, Grandpa, it's as sweet as it is, and it doesn't hurt to be busy."

Mu Jin blushed, and giggled coquettishly, "You're making fun of the servant again! How can the servant be inconsiderate?"

"Yes, yes, this is what I said wrong. Jin'er, who has wronged you, I apologize!" Fourth Master held her face, lowered his head and kissed her.

That's the way to make an apology

Within two or three days, the concubine De in the palace suddenly fell ill.

The imperial physician was invited again, and the medicine was taken and decocted again, and there was a big commotion.

In the twelfth lunar month, all the houses and houses are busy with presenting New Year’s gifts, communicating, and busy with the New Year’s affairs at the house. Many affairs in the court have to be completed before the end of the year. It’s hard to spend a good New Year with nothing to do. It can be said that there is no place not busy.

Empress Defei happened to be ill at this time.

Fourth Master couldn't help but sneered at Mu Jin: "Er Niang is really sick! Master doesn't know what to say!"

Concubine De is not like Concubine Liang. Concubine Liang will be seriously ill three or four times a year, especially when the seasons change.

But the concubine de concubine pays great attention to maintenance on weekdays. The imperial doctor will ask for a safe pulse every month, and she seldom gets sick.

But, she fell ill after he had a bad fight with her and broke up!

Although this illness is real, it is expected that it will not be faked - she is not that capable to order the imperial doctor to cooperate with her in acting.

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