Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2245 Unexpectedly, she came back so soon

Fujin was a little surprised to see her, she didn't know that Empress Defei would release Mu Jin back to the mansion today, her mood was more complicated, and she was slightly disappointed.

Although she knew that Empress Defei would definitely not do too much to Mu Jin, she would definitely give her a hard time. For Fujin, of course he wished that Mu Jin would suffer more.

Unexpectedly, she came back so soon!

And that day in front of the concubine De, if Mu Jin didn't speak for her, she would have to stay in the Yonghe Palace to serve the sick.

She really didn't expect that Mu Jin would interrupt her and block it for her. On this point, she had to accept her affection.

But she knew even more clearly in her heart that the reason why Mu Jin did that was not for her, but for the fourth master and the fourth master's house.

This is not the most unpleasant thing about Fujin, but Mu Jin and her have been fighting openly and secretly for a long time. Regardless of the amiability on the faces of the two, they can still laugh, and they are afraid that neither of them will make the other feel better. But in this situation, Mu Jin was able to say that he abandoned his personal grievances, and immediately stood up to block the disaster for himself, which shows that this person is resolute and wise.

Such a person is terrible!

She can guarantee that if only Li Shi was there and Mu Jin was not, Li Shi would only gloat in her heart watching her excitement and waiting for her bad luck, but would never stand up.

Although Fujin escaped the catastrophe and lived in peace in the mansion for the past two days, every time he thought about this matter, he felt a chilling feeling in his heart.

Only then did she realize that even though she always regarded Mu Jin as an opponent, she still underestimated her! She is more difficult to deal with than I imagined!

Especially after this incident, the master will only value and love her more, right?

Fujin was almost desperate.

She had a feeling that even if she was Fujin, there was nothing she could do about Mu Jin.

Unless, disregarding her own life and reputation, disregarding the Ulanara clan, she brutally killed her with a knife and destroyed with her.

Fujin was in a waning mood, so he reluctantly asked Mu Jin a few words about the health of the Concubine De, and then let Mu Jin go back.

When Mu Jin returned to Yuping Courtyard, Brother Nian and Sisi were talking about "Er Niang", pestering Nanny Yan, asking "Where did Er Niang go?", "When will Er Niang come back?", " I really miss my mother!" and so on.

Mu Jin's eyes became hot, and tears almost fell down.

As soon as the two children saw her, their pink and tender faces burst into bright smiles, "Er Niang, Er Niang!" They ran towards her cheering, giggling while hugging her.

Mu Jin squatted down, hugged the two children in her arms, and her smile was also flying.

The two children hadn't been separated from her for so long since they were born, and for a while they got so annoying that they followed her every step of the way like little tails.

After a while, Mu Jin repeatedly promised that she would never leave the house, and the two children were relieved, and they obediently went to the enlightenment class led by the nanny and the little eunuch.

Mammy Yan waited to come forward to say hello.

When Mu Jin returned safely, everyone's hearts fell to the ground.

After all, the concubine de concubine didn't like to see fourth master very much, and those around Mu Jin knew it very well.

After talking with Nanny Yan for a while, Mu Jin went to take a bath.

Soaked in the warm water, Mu Jin felt relaxed and comfortable, and only then did she truly relax completely.

finally came back

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