Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2246 This time Jin'er was wronged

As soon as he combed his hair after taking a bath, fourth master came back.

Mu Jin was overjoyed, and stood up to greet her with a smile, "Master!"

With a smile on his face, fourth master Jun hugged her into his arms. He lowered his head and sniffed her neck, with a smile on his lips: "Jin'er just took a bath?"

It is the taste of his greed.

Mu Jin blushed slightly, gave a soft "hmm", took his hand and sat down together.

Fourth Master looked up at her, perhaps because she had just taken a bath, her skin was moist and rosy, and she was very beautiful, her temples and hair tips were a little wet, making her look black and soft. Bright eyes and bright teeth, dazzling.

The light fresh smell that emanates from the body is clean and fascinating.

The fourth master's eyes were slightly dark, he kissed her, and whispered softly in her ear: "I don't see you in a day, it's like three autumns."

Mu Jin was even more ashamed, laying in his arms and giggling.

The fourth master also smiled, and pressed against her forehead, she raised her eyes, and the two couldn't help but kiss intimately.

After a while, Fourth Master Fang held the woman in his arms, held her slender and white fingers and unconsciously stroked them, and asked about the affairs in Yonghe Palace.

In fact, there is not much to say.

Although Mu Jin claimed in front of the Concubine De that she would report everything to the fourth master, it was just to scare the Concubine De.

There is no need to talk about those trivial little things.

Besides, they are all back now, let alone.

It's just that I saw more concubines' cold eyes, listened to more cynicism, and by the way they were not allowed to sit, and they were deliberately made to stand for a long time, that's all.

Mu Jin only said a few words, smiled and confused the past, but said a few good things for Xiao Li.

In the past two days, Xiao Li has tried her best to help her resist a lot.

The fourth master felt a little relieved, he hugged her pitifully and said, "It's good that Jin'er didn't suffer." Then he sighed softly: "How can I really not suffer? The master knows in his heart, there will always be some! This time Jin'er is called I am wronged!"

Mu Jin shook her head, leaned into his arms and said softly: "It's nothing, I think it won't happen again next time."

Unless the concubine de concubine doesn't care about the fourteenth master.

Fourth master smiled mockingly.

Seeing that it was almost the New Year's Eve, Lord Kangxi was kicked out of Changchun Garden by Bihong and had to return to Beijing.

He was really impatient in his heart, and he only hoped that this year would pass quickly, so that he could unload this heavy burden and live together with his beloved.

When he returned to Qianqing Palace, it was inevitable that his confidantes who stayed in the capital would report to him on their respective responsibilities of monitoring and monitoring.

Although there were still teasing in the hall, the fourth master managed it very well, and basically couldn't make any waves, so Master Kangxi was very satisfied.

On the contrary, in the harem, the concubine De concubine's stupid tricks made Lord Kangxi look down.

It is understandable that there is a difference between the son who is raised by his side and the son who is not raised by his side. Concubine De favored the fourteenth child, which was nothing, but she deliberately wanted to harm the fourth child, so it was unreasonable.

What a fool!

The fourth daughter-in-law's body is being raised, who doesn't know? She actually makes people wait on her sick, what is she so worried about?

Do you want to make a funeral for the Prince's Mansion for the New Year?

Besides, she is just a concubine, and she is not as good as the crown princess in terms of rank, so she has the guts to ask the crown princess to serve her?

Relying on being the fourth birth mother, can she do whatever she wants? It's fine to do whatever you want, but you still have to trample on the fourth child!

Fortunately, Na Mu is sensible

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