Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2314 It turns out that she made the right bet

Mu Jin was determined, and thought that this person was rushing to die, and even gods couldn't stop him.

Just based on this sentence, she is doomed. Moreover, it is impossible for fourth master to believe a word of her words.

The fourth master has clearly ascended the throne, and the Kangxi master is obviously still fine, this is a fact.

Would fourth master not believe the facts that happened to him in reality, but believe her crazy words?

Isn't that as abnormal as her?

"Jin'er, let's go!" The fourth master cast a glance at Xiang Changzai, his eyes were so cold that ice scum was cast from them, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Xiang Chang stayed in a daze, intense and boundless fear overwhelming her, enveloping her, her whole body was as cold as ice, and the blood in her whole body seemed to be frozen, "Your Majesty, I—"

"Shut up!"

"Xiang Chang is here," Mu Jin glanced at her, and said calmly, "I know why you target me, because the emperor loves me, and you have something wrong for the emperor, right? ?”

Xiang Changzai was taken aback, she didn't expect Mu Jin to say such a sentence at all, she was a little flustered and avoided Mu Jin's eyes: "I, I didn't"

In fact, Mu Jin didn't know if she had it, but now it was clear that she had it.

Mu Jin believed even more that not only did she see it clearly now, but Fourth Master also saw it clearly.

In fact, Mu Jin's words like this were not aimless. After all, how could any time-traveling woman with some qualifications and ambitions not admire Fourth Master and look forward to becoming Fourth Master's woman who has traveled through this year?

It just so happened that this Xiang Chang has both qualifications and ambitions—she is eligible to participate in the draft.

Mu Jin is just betting that she also had this kind of thought in her heart!

As it turned out, she was right.

So Mu Jin understood a little bit in his heart, no wonder, before, he had a faint feeling that Xiang Changzai seemed to be full of hostility towards him and didn't like him very much.

The fourth master indeed saw Xiang Changzai's reaction, he was shocked and disgusted, his face was so dark that he couldn't even look at him, he held Mu Jin's hand without stopping, and left angrily.

The bitch!

Xiangchang cried heart-piercingly, his voice desperate: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Soon, Su Peisheng rushed in with a few eunuchs in a vicious manner, and he couldn't help but pour the poisoned wine down on Xiang Changzai.

In just two or three sentences, Xiang Chang let out a series of vague grunts in his throat, rolled his eyes, fell down limply, and soon lost his breath.

Fourth Master returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation with a dark face, and Mu Jin followed.

Backing away, Fourth Master gritted his teeth, "When did you know that bitch was thinking wildly?"

Those words, someone with fourth master's temper could hardly say it.


Missed by Huang Ama's woman!

He was lucky in his heart, fortunately, fortunately, this time when this bitch made trouble, he could have a chance to solve her. Otherwise, as far as she is concerned, if something is revealed one day, others may not say that she is vulgar and shameless, but they will say that she is immoral and shameless, and seduces the concubine—or even threatens the concubine

In this kind of thing, there is no way to tell the difference at all.

Mu Jin said honestly: "The emperor doesn't know something. A woman's intuition—especially her intuition in this kind of matter is very accurate. She is inexplicably hostile to her concubines, and she has always been like this. I'm very aware, but it's not easy to say such things."

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