Fourth master nodded slightly.

It's really not good to say this for no reason.

After all, empty words are empty.

"That bitch!" Fourth Master cursed in disgust, and heaved a sigh of relief, "Forget it, this is the end of this matter."

Everyone is dead, so naturally there will be no more worries.

Because of this, fourth master would not believe what she said, and he didn't even want to think about it anymore. Even if he remembered it occasionally, he would immediately avoid it.

After all, it was something that made him feel sick just thinking about it.

Mu Jin was very kind, and immediately hugged Fourth Master's arm and laughed: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this concubine will definitely not say a word about this matter! Absolutely not!"

Fourth master told her to be amused, and twisted her face in a funny way, "You don't need to promise me, I still don't believe you."

Mu Jin felt sweet in her heart.

"By the way, Your Majesty, do you want the concubine to go back to Yikun Palace to recuperate quickly?" Mu Jin raised her eyes, looked at Fourth Master eagerly and said.

She was also inattentive, and ended up following Fourth Master to the Hall of Mental Cultivation!

Fourth master: ""

Speaking of this, thinking of Concubine De, Fourth Master became irritable again.

I thought that becoming the emperor would be the end of the day, and that life would be as free and unfettered as a fairy, but who would have thought that it would be a mess at the beginning.

From time to time in the previous court, veterans would jump out to rely on the old and sell the old to raise the bar, and the bastard of the third child would hop around behind his back and fail to learn well. Hmph, I really don't know, he didn't make too much trouble, and he was too lazy to fight with him It's just a fuss.

In this harem, the behavior of the queen is really not satisfactory, and Er Niang is tossing around in different ways every three days.

Fortunately, the old fourteen still has a couple of points to understand, if he is also a muddleheaded person, making a fuss with Er Niang, it would be even more irritating.

The fourth master said: "Jin'er should stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation for now, and it won't be too late to return to Yikun Palace at night, no one will know anyway."

It means, don't say anything, let's take care of this disease first.

Mu Jin nodded: "The concubine listens to the emperor!"

Fourth master smiled, she hid while she was ill, so as to save Erniang from bothering her, and also save a little trouble.

"Jin'er stay alone for a while, I haven't gone to Erniang's place today, I will go and have a look."

I was thinking about the news from Su Peisheng today, and I haven't had time to go to Shoukang Palace yet.

"Your Majesty, go, don't be angry," Mu Jin straightened his clothes for him, stroked his face and said softly, "My concubine waits for the emperor to come back, and when the emperor handles the papers, will my concubine grind ink for you?"

Since he lived in the palace, he has been angry a lot, probably more than the previous year in the fourth master's residence combined.

I'm about to turn into a pufferfish when I'm so angry.

It's really out of control. He didn't want to get angry, but Er Niang always had a way to make him angry enough every time.

However, with Jin'er waiting, fourth master's heart warmed up, and he became more relaxed and happy.

"Wait for me!" Fourth Master kissed her, turned around with a smile and left.

Unexpectedly, Fourth Master hadn't walked out of the house yet, Li Yugui came in hurriedly, bowed his body and reported: "Your Majesty, the empress is begging to see you."

"The queen is here?" Fourth Master was taken aback.

Mu Jin hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the ministers and concubines should avoid it!" After saying that, she turned around and hurried to the bedroom at the back, and she couldn't walk any faster.

This reaction made Fourth Master a little amused, he shook his head lightly, turned around and sat down, "Pass."


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