Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2316 The queen is in trouble, the fourth master is angry

The Queen came in with Nanny Wu, looking a little worried.

After saluting, the fourth master sat down, "What's the matter? The queen is very embarrassed?"

The empress sighed lightly, and she was troubled when she spoke: "Back to the emperor, my concubine went to greet Er Niang again this morning, but Er Niang still refused to take the medicine. I heard from Aunt Qiu that there was very little food for me yesterday. The concubine looked at her, she was indeed haggard a lot, this concubine was a little worried!"

Fourth Master's anger that had been suppressed just now rose slowly, and he was on the verge of becoming a blowfish again.

The queen took a secret look at his expression, sighed inwardly, and still said: "The concubine tried to persuade Er Niang this morning, but Er Niang may not be happy in her heart. Er Niang, she has a heart disease, is she worried about Fourteen? Lord, Your Majesty, Master Fourteen is your younger brother after all, even if, even if he is different from the other men, no one can tell what is wrong. In this way, it will also make Er Niang happy, and it is better to recover from illness early Seriously. Otherwise, Er Niang can't afford to be ill, and you have just ascended the throne, your majesty, if you ask someone to say something unpleasant, wouldn't it just tarnish your reputation!"

After all, Concubine De has always been in good health.

The fourth master smiled angrily, with a calm face: "Damn my reputation? What kind of dirty law? Say I'm not filial? Worried about the old fourteen? What are you worried about? What did Er Niang tell you? Isn't the old fourteen doing well? Is it? When did I do anything to him?"

The queen's heart was beating wildly, flustered and wronged.

She is really wronged.

I feel like a mouse in a bellows, getting angry at both ends.

Concubine De fought with the emperor's mother and son, and the grievances were all on her.

"The concubines dare not lie to the emperor. Emiang loves the Fourteenth Master dearly. She just asks the emperor to make the Fourteenth Prince his prince, and the Emiang is satisfied! Your Majesty, this will happen sooner or later, or you will follow my mother. "

"Presumptuous!" The fourth master was furious, and snapped: "Queen, what is your title in front of the prince? Just give it as you please? Then what has become of the emperor?"

"But Er Niang refuses to take medicine, and doesn't think about meals. If something happens—— Your Majesty, the loss outweighs the gain!"

The fourth master was so angry that he wanted to explode, "She refuses to take medicine and doesn't think about food. You are a queen, won't you think of a way? This harem is under your control, and you can ask me about everything? Did I tell you before, There is no queen mother in this palace, only the queen, and the queen has the power to rule the six palaces! If the queen can't do it, why don't you let the virtuous!"

"Your Majesty!" The Queen's face suddenly turned pale, and she stared at Fourth Master with wide eyes in horror, her whole body was cold.

Mammy Wu's face also changed drastically, and she cried out secretly.

The queen's eyes turned red in an instant, she wiped away her tears and choked with sobs and said: "After all, Concubine De is the emperor's biological mother, and concubines command the Six Palaces, so they can't control Concubine De's head. Besides, she is sick now, and it's not to be taken lightly Don't take it seriously, if something happens, and the crime of the concubine is unforgivable, wouldn't the emperor also regret it for the rest of his life?"

The fourth master gritted his teeth and said, "Then in the view of the empress, should I give in to the concubine? What if the concubine wants to be the empress dowager and command the Six Palaces? Do I have to retreat step by step? This is how the empress solves the problem." way?"

The queen hesitated, and quickly said: "No, how can the concubine, the concubine, be so ignorant? The concubine misses the fourteenth master, as long as the emperor takes this step back, the concubine will be satisfied, and naturally there will be no more troubles. "

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