Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2317 I won't budge!

"Really?" Fourth Master sneered: "The queen dares to make this guarantee?"

Queen: ""

No, she dared not.

But she still believed that Princess De would not do that.

The fourth master was too lazy to tell her that his mother-in-law's wish was not just to make the old fourteenth a prince, but what he wanted was a hereditary and unreplaceable wife!

When the queen was so naive, did she think that his mother-in-law was so easy to dismiss?

"I won't give an inch." Fourth Master said coldly: "If the empress can't think of a way, I will ask someone else to deal with this matter, and the empress will not have to worry about it."

The queen was dizzy for a while, angry and anxious, her throat was so sweet that she almost vomited blood, but she swallowed it again.

other people? In this palace, where is there anyone else? Isn't it Yigui Concubine Mu Jin?

The queen is unwilling and unjust, so what else would that bitch do besides having a sharp mouth and flirting with the lord? Can she do what she can't do?

Just relying on the emperor's words, she has to fight, and she must not give up this opportunity to that bitch!

"The concubine, the concubine understands, the emperor rest assured, the concubine, the concubine will deal with it well"

Fourth master: "In that case, let the queen go."

"Yes, the concubine is retiring."

The queen got up and saluted, and supported Wu Nama's hand and retreated.

She was so angry that her body trembled a little, her legs and feet were weak, and almost her entire body weight was leaning on Mammy Wu, and she almost fell down.

On the way back to Zhongcui Palace, the queen's face was terribly gloomy.

As soon as the Queen left, Fourth Master didn't bother to wait any longer, so he simply went to Shoukang Palace.

Look at his mother-in-law, she would tell him those words herself!

Unexpectedly, in front of Fourth Master, Concubine De never said a word about Fourteenth Master, nor did she mention a word about the request that Fourth Master refused to agree to.

It's just dying, with a haggard look, and she keeps saying that she is fine, it's okay, it doesn't matter, it's just a minor illness, it will be fine in a few days, the emperor is busy with political affairs, don't worry about her

The fourth master was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, his whole body was chilling and angry, and the maids and eunuchs who were serving by him were all trembling with fear.

The fourth master was so angry that he got angry and simply didn't ask any questions. After a few words of concern, he got up and drove away.

Do it, he wants to see how far she can do it!

After returning to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Mu Jin was also quite frightened by this murderous posture. It was with great difficulty that Mu Jin comforted him for two or three minutes, and his expression could barely be seen.

Mu Jin was really tired, Concubine De was awesome. Don't you dare to do whatever you want just because you are the fourth master's biological mother?

Relying on Si Ye's power while being dissatisfied with Si Ye in various ways, it is also a big face.

After all, it was Lord Kangxi who was wise enough not to allow her to be the queen mother.

Otherwise, the prestige will not shake to the sky.

"If this matter is handed over to Jin'er, how will Jin'er deal with it?" Fourth Master asked.

Mu Jin turned her head to look at Fourth Master, with a slightly hesitant expression, but said nothing.

The fourth master laughed, held her hand and squeezed it lightly, and said softly: "There are only me and Jin'er here, if Jin'er has anything to say, I'll just listen to it. Is it right? I won't blame Jin'er."

"You can keep your word. If you blame the concubine, the concubine will be wronged." Mu Jin smiled, thought for a while and said, "Mr. The emperor also agrees?"

Fourth Master sneered and nodded slightly, "That's natural."

No matter how dissatisfied that she is also his biological mother, she will only enjoy the blessings in the future, how could she want to die?

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