Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2318 The fourth master looked at Mu Jin and disagreed slightly bluntly

Besides, she couldn't let go of her beloved little son!

"So, the emperor can rest assured. Since Concubine De doesn't want to die, she will definitely not die."

Fourth Master was startled, his eyes lit up, and he nodded again: "That's right."

Why don't you take medicine and don't eat, it's just for the fourth master to see, and you will naturally take medicine and eat behind your back.

Maybe take half of the medicine and only a small amount with meals. But definitely not dead.

In fact, with the current level of medical treatment, Concubine De is a bit old, so it is very likely that she will get out of it according to her way of playing.

Illnesses come and go like a mountain, and go away like silkworms. Normal people have to take medicine carefully when they are sick, not to mention being angry if they refuse to take medicine.

If it is in modern times, it is easy to say that no matter how you play, you can't take off the wind and cold. Now

If it wasn't for Fourth Master, Mu Jin might still have a bit of a spectator mentality in her heart. But the fourth master has only just ascended the throne, so there must be no surprises for the healthy and energetic mother-in-law. Fortunately, she has a spiritual spring, so she is not afraid.

Therefore, he dared to say very firmly in front of Fourth Master that Concubine De would definitely not die.

Fourth master is also a smart person, since Er Niang can't die, then he doesn't have to worry.

Mu Jin smiled and continued: "The emperor has always been filial. The empress dowager is sick, and the emperor is very worried. This worry must be shown, so that the courtiers, both inside and outside the palace, will know."

The fourth master immediately looked at Mu Jin, slightly disapproving.

Mu Jin sighed inwardly, thinking that this honest child doesn't even know that a crying child has candy?

Although such things as filial piety are in the heart, asking yourself is worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, but the world does not know it, and the effect will not be achieved.

Superficial effort, that must be done!

Not only must performance, but also be exaggerated!

For example, leading the concubines in the harem to worship Buddha, such as eating vegetarian food, or being less energetic when going to court, it is best to sigh from time to time to express worry, and ask Su Peisheng to cooperate

In a word, you have to show that you care about Concubine De's illness and are very filial.

Fourth master: ""

Fourth master was dumbfounded.

Moreover, the behavioral scenes Mu Jin mentioned made many fourth masters feel goosebumps and feel awkward just by imagining them.

Does he, he, he really want to do that? he thinks he can't do it

He is not the old fourteen!

Mu Jin asked Fourth Master to stare at her a little inexplicably, and then felt a little guilty for no reason, she touched her face, and smiled to please her: "Your Majesty, what my concubine said, is there something wrong!"

The fourth master sighed, and put his arms around Mu Jin: "Jin'er is right!"

"Then you"

"Zhen, cough cough, do I really want to do that?" The fourth master looked at Mu Jin hesitantly, half-believing.

He's not stupid, of course he thinks what Jin'er said is right, but he can't do it.

When discussing matters with the ministers, sigh, show a worried look on the face, and say that you are worried about the mother's condition?

Then Su Peisheng made another joke, and the ministers echoed a few more words, "The emperor is filial!", "The emperor is really filial!" Spread his reputation of filial piety?

Just thinking about that scene, Fourth Master felt

Mu Jin nodded again and again without even thinking about it: "People don't know, but my concubine can see it clearly. Your majesty, you are filial to Emiang. But what's the use of my concubine seeing clearly? Ministers, both inside and outside the palace It’s only when you know it! It’s been less than half a month since the emperor’s enthronement, but Er Niang, who was originally in excellent health, fell ill, and the concubines are a little worried, will there be any problems inside or outside the palace?”

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