Before Mu Jin was pregnant and insisted on bullying him, how could he be so serious for such a long time, he had to do something to soothe and relax.

This cannot be explained to outsiders.

Fourth Master's eyes lit up, his heart moved, and his anger subsided a little, "Okay."

Mu Jin made him look so red, she looked away and gently pushed him and said coquettishly, "Go quickly."

Fourth Master smiled and got up.

Out of the palace gate, Wu Ya Fanglan, who was kneeling on the ground, subconsciously raised her head when she heard the movement, and her eyes lit up with joy when she saw that the fourth master had come out again, and hurriedly called: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty"

She knew, how could the emperor be so ruthless and cold? Look, didn't this come out to find her?

It's just that Wuya Fanglan didn't wait to yell. Seeing her looking at him like that, Fourth Master felt even more disgusted in his heart. He sneered and never looked at her more when he passed by her.

"Emperor" Wu Yafanglan's heart was broken again, she looked at the back of Fourth Master in a dazed, disappointed and unwilling manner, feeling ashamed and annoyed.

A young eunuch stopped beside her, "Miss Wu Ya, get up, hurry up and catch up with the emperor."

In the end, for the sake of her being the niece of Concubine De's natal family, the little eunuch looked down upon her no matter how contemptuous she was, but he was still quite polite.

Wuya Fanglan's eyes lit up again, and she quickly got up from the ground, "Is the emperor going back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation?"

As he said, he trotted and chased after him.


It's good to go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The Hall of Mental Cultivation is where the emperor lives, it is much better than the Yikun Palace!

No, the emperor still walked forward after passing the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Wuya Fanglan was startled.

Seeing that the emperor was heading towards Shoukang Palace, she became happy again. The emperor, the emperor must go to discuss with his aunt, what title should he give himself.

The emperor is his aunt's son, so he will naturally listen to his aunt.

My aunt is still counting on her to win glory for the Wuya clan, so she will naturally protect herself

Concubine de was very surprised that fourth master came to her at this moment.

When she saw Wu Ya Fanglan who entered the Shoukang Palace with the fourth master in a rather embarrassed state, Concubine De's face changed slightly.

She is not as stupid as Wuya Fanglan, she knows what kind of temperament her son is.

If he is satisfied, he will definitely keep him. Now that he has brought him here, I'm afraid it's—

Concubine De gritted her teeth secretly, she had already sent this person to him, and she would never take it back, otherwise, where would she put the face of this mother-in-law.

He dare not give himself face

Concubine De smiled and said: "Why is the emperor coming here at this time? Just in time, this palace is preparing to serve meals here, why don't the emperor have dinner here today."

Wuya Fanglan arrived in front of Concubine De as if she had entered her own territory. She had already run to stand beside Concubine De to build up her courage. Hearing this, she hurriedly laughed and said, "That's great, aunt, I will serve the emperor by the side." meal"

Fourth master suddenly felt sick.

Originally, he didn't want to take things too far, but this Wuya Fanglan is really good, breaking the lower limit again and again, the fourth master couldn't bear it anymore, pointed at Wuya Fanglan and sneered at Concubine De: "Emiang wants this Send something into my harem? What has become of me in my mother's eyes?"

Concubine De herself was disgusted by Wuya Fanglan's words, but she couldn't stop her.

But when fourth master said that, she was not happy again.

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