Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2367 I am very picky

Concubine De frowned and said displeasedly: "What is the emperor saying? Fang Lan also has the emperor in her heart—"

"I'm very picky, Er Niang! Not to mention that every court lady in this palace has me in her heart, right? Seven or eight out of ten must have me? Whoever dares to love me, I have to accept it?"

Concubine De was so angry that she trembled all over, and her face darkened: "Your Majesty knows what I mean, so why bother to say such angry words? It's so boring to say such angry words."

"What Er Niang said is true, so I'll just say it straight," the fourth master said coldly, "This girl from the Wu Ya family will go to the palace to accompany Er Niang, and Er Niang will let her stay for a few days. Send someone to send her back! It is wrong for a girl who has not left the court to stay in the palace for a long time."

Wuya Fanglan changed color and exclaimed in a low voice, and hurriedly said: "The emperor—"

"Shut up for me," Concubine De turned her head and glared at her, wishing to beat her up, she really shouldn't have taken a fancy to her beauty and figure! This brain is simply a nest of straws.

However, at this point, it is useless to say this.

Concubine De took a deep breath, and said to Wu Ya Fanglan in a deep voice, "You go down first."

"Auntie, I—" Wu Yafanglan was reluctant, and gave the emperor a reluctant look. She still wanted to serve the emperor a meal. She really likes the emperor!

"Back off!"

Wuya Fanglan was taken aback and opened her mouth. Aunt Qiu hurriedly smiled and pulled her away forcefully: "Miss Wuya, you should go and have a rest first."

Wuya Fanglan had no choice but to leave first, and before leaving, she couldn't help but keep looking at Fourth Master.

Fourth master: "" What should I do if I'm so angry?

Seeing Fourth Master's livid face, Concubine De felt a little guilty and uncomfortable for no reason, mixed with shame and embarrassment.

Her natal family was ashamed in front of her son!

If it's the fourteenth master, that's okay, but it's this son.

All she wanted was to be worthy and respectable in front of him, but she made such a mess.

However, the more ashamed she felt, the more she had to save face, otherwise, wouldn't he despise her and look down on her even more?

"Her admiration for the emperor is true in her heart, but she has never learned the rules well. I will ask someone to teach her the rules. I promise that the next time the emperor sees her, it will definitely not be the case. Your majesty, this is the niece of my mother's family." , the emperor will give this palace a face, isn't that okay?"

"Everyone in the palace knows that she entered the palace to serve the emperor, but the emperor wants to send her away. This—is the emperor wanting this palace to be made a joke of others and lose face? Is the emperor really so cruel?"

Fourth master had already become numb, but he still felt angry.

He didn't want this stupid thing, so he became cruel? Then he is too pitiful to be the emperor!

Can't you like the woman you like unscrupulously, but you have to put up with nausea and put it in the harem if you don't like it? Even if it was just a nominal acceptance, he was not happy.

"Er Niang was joking," the fourth master said lightly, "I didn't know about this matter until I came to Yikun Palace today. How could other people in the palace know about it? No one would laugh at Er Niang! If anyone dares, I will naturally Make the decision for my mother."

"If Er Niang wants to keep someone to talk to relieve boredom, then she can stay. If she must teach me, I will give it to the old fourteen. Er Niang can figure it out!"

"You—" Concubine De was furious. "

The new book "Reborn Daughter Slapping Her Face Everyday" is almost ready

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