Otherwise, if it gets into the ears of the imperial concubine, my family will be doomed! The imperial concubine is cruel and jealous, if she finds out, she will never let her family go.

Mrs. Wu Ya spat and scolded fiercely, feeling even more unconvinced and resentful than her daughter.

You know, the family has blown all the bulls out, and they have already decided that their daughter will be a concubine, and the good family will follow in the future. These days, in order to curry favor with the concubine De's brother's family, their family often visits and sends them off. Things, at least twenty or thirty taels of silver were given away!

I just hope that the two families will get closer in the future, help each other, and enjoy happiness together.

I don't want my daughter to be sent out again!

That imperial concubine, who is pregnant and still doesn't allow the emperor to canonize a newcomer, how can such a jealous person deserve to be an imperial concubine.

It must be a vixen, who confuses the emperor

Mrs. Wu Ya scolded and was reminded by her daughter. Although she was unhappy, she could only sigh in resignation and nodded to show that she knew it.

That's the imperial concubine, can she afford it?

However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Mrs. Wu Ya didn't dare to make a big fuss, how could she bear such a tone in private without saying a word?

It is unavoidable to complain to my husband and neighbors in the neighborhood who I have a good relationship with.

This kind of gossip must be the favorite of the general public. It is spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and the discussion is flying!

Of course, everyone is a friend of three or five discussing and complaining together, and no one dares to be too blatant.

After all, the imperial concubine was able to drive the emperor's mother-in-law's natal family out of the palace even when she was pregnant, so that the emperor would not accept it. It can be seen how powerful her methods are and how much the emperor loves her. If you go to her, you will not be able to live.

Although gossip can entertain people, life is more important!

These words are only widely circulated in the area where Wu Ya's house lives, and they are also spread sporadically outside, but the influence is not great.

Not to mention Mu Jin, even the Mu family didn't know about it at first.

It was Concubine De's brother Wu Yahongde's two sons who found out and said a few words to Mu Jian'an, and the Mu family finally found out.

Wu Ya'anfu, Wu Ya'an, and the two brothers are currently fighting fiercely with the Mu family, relying on the Mu family to win. Naturally, they must tell the Mu family when they hear this, and they also show their merits: After hearing those words He also gave the other party a warning and scolded them, warning them not to talk nonsense, and be careful of misfortune coming out of their mouths.

How could the imperial concubine be that kind of person?

In their hearts, the brothers thought so too. They are too clear about the emperor's temperament, the concubine can take care of the people the emperor doesn't want? If the emperor wants it, the imperial concubine can't control it either!

Mu Jianan didn't dare to tell her mother about this, fearing that she would get angry and worried, so she only talked to her brother and daughter-in-law.

Mu Jianying sneered, letting them ignore it.

There is no evidence for such remarks, and only a few gossips from women and Taoists can't make any trouble.

Besides, didn't the eunuch who sent Na Wuya home say that? Concubine De took her into the palace as a companion to relieve boredom. Their family misunderstood and passed the wrong message at first, who is to blame?

Pay attention to them, but flatter them.

In the palace, on the day Wuya Fanglan was out of the palace, the fourth master immediately asked about it, and learned that the woman had been sent away by Er Niang, so he felt completely relieved, and went to Yikun Palace to find Mu Jin speaks.

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