Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2373 She better have something important

Fourth master had a very bad impression of Wuya Fanglan, and he didn't even bother to mention it. If he didn't mention it, Mu Jin wouldn't mention it either.

After talking with him for a while, he didn't need to summon his courtiers to discuss matters this morning, he only needed to deal with the memorial, so he simply stayed in Yikun Palace and didn't go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

With Jin'er by her side, she can feel more at ease.

Concubine De originally thought that the fourth master had gone to court, and after learning the news that Wuya Fanglan was sent out of the palace, she would definitely come to Shoukang Palace.

No, she waited and waited but no one came, so she couldn't help but send someone to inquire.

In the end, the news I found out was that the emperor had gone to Yikun Palace! I went as soon as I got off the court, I don't know when I will leave

Once the emperor goes to Yikun Palace, it's hard to say when he will leave. If you have nothing to do, you can stay for a long time.

Thinking of what Wuya Fanglan said yesterday, Concubine De was even more furious.

She knew that that bitch Mu had always been against her. Now that she is pregnant, she is getting bigger and bigger!

The queen didn't know about Wuya Fanglan. After all, Concubine De has lived in the palace for decades, and she always has contacts. As long as she deliberately wants to hide something, it is not difficult to hide it for a while.

At this moment, the queen is also annoyed that the emperor has not returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She planned to send those five maids to the emperor today, and the emperor chose to stay in Yikun Palace, but it is not easy to go to Yikun Palace to talk about this matter.

Unexpectedly, by coincidence, the queen sent someone to guard outside Yikun Palace, but Xiaodouzi saw it.

Xiaodouzi immediately became vigilant, and simply smiled generously and stepped forward to ask the other party if something is wrong?

The people in Zhongcui Palace had no choice but to bite the bullet and say what they wanted.

Xiaodouzi went in and reported to Mu Jin.

Mu Jin thought for a while, and said to the fourth master with a smile, "The empress has sent someone to wait outside the concubine's Yikun palace. Maybe she has something important to ask the emperor."

Fourth master suddenly raised his eyebrows and felt a little displeased. Is there anything in the harem that is so anxious? So that the queen wants to send someone to guard her outside Yikun Palace?

This feeling of being squatted down is very uncomfortable.

"She'd better take it seriously!" The fourth master was reviewing the memorial, put down his pen, and said to Mu Jin, "I'll wait for her in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and come over during lunch."

Mu Jin smiled and said yes.

The Queen sent people to guard outside Yikun Palace, and she was also very unhappy.

Since she is so anxious, wouldn't it be better for her to send someone to invite the emperor directly?

The queen knew that the person she sent had been arrested, and immediately felt a little embarrassed, and reprimanded him a few words.

At this moment, the emperor deliberately went back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so she had no choice but to hurry there.

The queen took Mammy Wu to wait, and led the five maids there.

After explaining his purpose, fourth master looked at her, speechless for a while.

If there was no such thing as Wu Ya Fang Lan, Fourth Master probably wouldn't be so disgusted, but because of Wu Ya Fang Lan's matter, he couldn't help but get angry when he said something about recruiting newcomers.

One by one, there is no stopping!

Knowing that the five maids brought by the empress still passed through the hands of the concubine, the fourth master was even more furious.

"It seems that the empress really can't control the six palaces," the fourth master said coldly, "there has never been a concubine in charge of the new emperor's harem. The empress really opened my eyes."

When the fourth master said this, his tone was very calm, but the queen's face flushed red from "coaxing".

She who was originally sitting subconsciously got up, feeling ashamed and wronged: "The emperor's mother cares about the emperor, and the concubines and concubines are not easy to ignore, this"

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