Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2660 the arrangement is tight

General Hangzhou hastily passed an order in secret, to be tight on the outside and tight on the inside along the way, to check all suspicious people, and to ensure safety along the way.

Afterwards, after discussing with the two prefects of Hangzhou, they carefully selected about 20 soldiers with strong martial arts skills and rich experience, and accompanied them in the clothes of ordinary people.

On the side of Fourth Master and Mu Jin, they brought about thirty guards on the surface, and followed hundreds of guards in the dark, accompanying them in batches.

The light is loose and the dark is tight, and the arrangement is tight.

When the thirteenth master found out, he was worried and wanted to go with him, but the fourth master refused. He took Mu Jin and his son there for fun, so what's the matter with so many irrelevant people following?

The thirteenth master had no choice but to give up.

Fourth Master and Mu Jin took a carriage, and Hongzhang brothers took another one, saying that an hour is an hour, and they set off on time.

Mu Jin couldn't help being excited, her eyes were shining, and her pretty face was radiant.

The fourth master couldn't help itching when he saw it, stretched out his arms to embrace her in his arms, took a long and lingering kiss, gently stroked her soft and rosy lips with his fingertips, and said with a low smile, "So happy? Hmm?" ?”

Of course Mu Jin wouldn't tell him that he must be happy, since he hasn't seen the sea for so long!

She smiled at him with crooked eyebrows and said: "I heard people say that the seaside is interesting, and it's fresh, so I'm naturally happy. Besides, I like it even more in my heart when I go out and play with the emperor."

Fourth master smiled, kissed her ear and whispered: "I like it too"

The two of them rubbed each other's ears and temples along the way, finally feeling affectionate.

The south of the Yangtze River is rich and prosperous, and the official roads are very flat, so it is not difficult to walk on the roads.

We stopped for lunch and took a rest.

At this time, it was less than a hundred miles away from Ningbo.

Close to the sea, the sky looks extraordinarily blue, the blue is full and bright, and the white clouds are extraordinarily white and clean. This feeling is especially strong in bright sunny weather.

Fourth master was a little surprised, this place near the sea, who knows that even the sky is different from other places. Unknowingly, he felt a little hopeful.

When we arrived in Ningbo City in the afternoon, it was nearly four o'clock.

General Hangzhou had already sent his cronies over to report the news, and the people in Ningbo City were also turned on their backs.

In order to cater to the emperor, the prefect of Ningbo and his entourage had no choice but to wear plain clothes, and accompanied the policemen and sergeants who also wore plain clothes to pick them up outside the city gate.

A crowd of seventy or eighty people gathered outside the city, causing the passing people to stare curiously at them.

Seeing how domineering these people are, no one dared to approach them.

When the fourth master and his party finally appeared outside the city, the prefect of Ningbo and his party hurriedly knelt down to pick him up, and asked two imperial guards who were on horseback to stop him.

The emperor has a decree, to keep things simple in micro-clothes outside, and there is no need to be too polite.

The prefect of Ningbo had no choice but to laugh and thank you, but he complained in his heart, how could the emperor be subdued?

Although the post house was arranged in a hurry, fortunately, it was well-managed and rich in supplies.

Fourth Master and Mu Jin originally planned to stay in the inn, but they gave up when they saw this.

The post house is also good, it is more comfortable than the outside.

However, the two insisted on going out to eat by themselves for dinner, and declined the kindness of the prefect of Ningbo.

According to what the fourth master said: "I come here to play at will, I don't like to be restrained, so you don't have to be restrained, do what you have to do, don't follow me."

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