Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2676 Fourth master can't take his eyes off

Su Peisheng's heart shuddered, and he also understood what Fourth Master was referring to, he bowed respectfully in response, and walked out backwards.

Fourth master let out a long sigh of relief, closed his eyes, got up and went back to the bedroom.

Mu Jin hadn't fallen asleep yet, when she heard him coming in, she turned her body, put her elbow on her chin and looked at him with a smile: "Your Majesty!"

The sleeve slid down the elbow, revealing a slender arm that was as white as jade, against the black oily hair hanging down the neck, side and chest, and the shining eyes, it was very pitiful and lovely.

The thin apricot-colored brocade was half covered, and he could clearly see a snow-white scene under her soft pink pajamas with a low neckline, which was not only cute, but also very attractive.

Fourth Master couldn't move his eyes away, and his heartbeat was a little chaotic.

He stepped forward, untied his coat and put it aside casually, and when he got on the bed, he hugged her, and smiled softly, "Haven't slept yet?"

Mu Jin rubbed against him and said sullenly, "Wait for you, I can't sleep."

The fourth master stroked her soft hair tenderly and pitifully, and said in a low voice: "Don't think too much, expect the result tomorrow. No matter who it is, I will never let it go!"

Mu Jin nodded, "Yes", and rubbed against him.

The fourth master couldn't stand her rubbing so hard, he gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice, "Jin'er, I planned to let you go tonight, if you want to make trouble again, I don't care about it!"

He pitied her for being frightened and couldn't bear to torment her anymore, but the little woman didn't seem to appreciate it?

Mu Jin smiled lowly, wrapped his hands around his neck, and bit his earlobe lightly: "Your Majesty, who wants you to let me go after all the concubines are like this?"

"You recruited me," Fourth Master gasped for breath, "It's stabbing!" With a sound, she tore off her pajamas and rolled over

This turmoil seems to have come to an end here, the thick night covered everything, and no one could sleep peacefully in the palace.

It was finally dawn, and the court ladies and eunuchs took the opportunity of fetching water and meals to exchange information and ask each other: What happened last night?

It's just that the emperor has already issued an order to silence, and the people under the imperial concubine's hands are all people with reliable mouths, and it is undoubtedly more difficult to get something from them than to go to the sky.

Although the specifics are unknown, the general situation cannot be concealed.

Everyone knows that the imperial concubine was attacked by snakes last night and was almost killed.

So they all sighed and regretted in their hearts: How could she have such a good life? This can be avoided.

Since the imperial concubine escaped, the person who murdered her would suffer, and the emperor might not let her go.

Who is it that has such courage? It made everyone a little curious.

The queen didn't sleep well all night. Nanny Wu stopped her from telling her what happened last night. The queen didn't hear any news until this morning, and she couldn't help frowning after careful questioning.

Feeling even more jealous, the emperor was willing to mobilize people to fight for the Mu family's affairs, but as for himself, he would not yield even an inch to his request to make Honghui the crown prince.

Then how did Mrs. Mu escape the catastrophe?

Su Peisheng and a few eunuchs and guards who were able to handle affairs stayed up all night, arrested all the eunuchs and nuns in charge of the palace, and interrogated them separately.

He took the records of entering and leaving the palace and checked them page by page.

Just check the period since fourth master and his party left the palace and continued southward.

Before moving in, no one knew where the imperial concubine would live, and there was absolutely no time to do those things. Only after the imperial concubine left the palace with the emperor and continued southward, did the yard have a chance to be touched.

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