Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2677 Fuyu's courage is so great

After the fourth master and his party left, the queen recuperated in the palace and never entered the palace, because the number of people was not large, it was basically purchased every two days, and the people who purchased did not have the opportunity to come to the place where the concubines lived.

After doing the calculations like this - Su Peisheng frowned, stared at the name above and sighed.

In fact, before the investigation, he had already guessed in his heart.

Not only him, but the emperor also knows it well.

Not long after dawn, Su Peisheng personally brought people to the courtyard where the Thirteenth Master and the Thirteenth Fujin were resting, and informed the Thirteenth Master and the Thirteenth Fujin, expressing that he would take Yueqin, the maidservant who served by Ulanara's side Fujin, to question him.

As for Ulanara Chai Fujin and other people who serve her, they need to be separated from house arrest for the time being, and please also invite the Thirteenth Master and the Thirteenth Fujin Haihan.

The Thirteenth Master and the Thirteenth Fujin were taken aback when they heard the words. Thinking of what happened in the imperial concubine's yard last night, their faces became even more ugly.

"Grandpa Su, is the Ulanara family related to the accident with the imperial concubine last night?" The Thirteenth Master's eyes were cold, holding back his anger.

He has always been upright and upright, and he hates such hideous, despicable and shameless secrets the most.

Fuyu has always been annoying, stupid and crazy, and he doesn't remember the lesson, he knows this, and he has been beaten and taught a lesson on weekdays, but she has such a temper, what can she do?

I can only tell Fujin to try not to let her go out.

Locked up in the mansion, she can do whatever she likes, as long as nothing serious happens, just leave her alone.

But he didn't expect Fuyu to be so courageous

Murdering the imperial concubine, or using such a vicious method, does she want to die?

"Master Thirteen, please be safe and don't be impatient," Su Peisheng said with a smile, feeling very depressed in his heart, and quickly explained with a smile: "This matter has not yet been settled, and the slave only found out about the maid beside Fang Fujin in the travel palace records." I have been out three times, so I took her to ask questions."

Even though Su Peisheng said that, what did Thirteenth Lord and Thirteenth Fujin not understand?

Fuyu is the one who has motivation, ability, and enough time to arrange things calmly.

The Thirteenth Lord gritted his teeth and said: "Grandpa Su just go and investigate, if it's really him, then I'll go and plead guilty to the Emperor and Imperial Concubine!"

Su Peisheng hurriedly saluted: "Thank you Thirteenth Master for your understanding. If so, please ask Thirteenth Master and Thirteenth Fujin to invite people out. As for the side Fujin's master and servant, please ask Thirteenth Master and Thirteenth Fujin to keep them separate temporarily. Other slaves can't believe it, but the Thirteenth Lord and Thirteenth Fujin can."

"It should be." Thirteenth Master nodded and looked at Thirteenth Fujin.

Su Peisheng gave his family enough face, it was all for the sake of the fourth brother, if he didn't know how to flatter him, it would be too disgraceful.

Thirteen Fujin hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Master, and Mr. Su, too. This concubine will handle this matter in person. Why don't Mrs. Su go along with my concubine to lead others."

"That's fine." Su Peisheng also wished he could take him away as soon as possible.

Last night there was a commotion at the imperial concubine's side, so Fuyu naturally knew about it.

There was a lot of commotion over there, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

The imperial concubine was safe and sound, and was taken to his yard by the emperor.

Fuyu was extremely disappointed and disappointed, and cursed a few words in a low voice.

After lying down to sleep, I felt a little uneasy again for no reason.

In the end, she was still a little scared. After all, the emperor couldn't just let this matter go.

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