Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2686 the queen is dumbfounded

She thought they would come to Zhongcui Palace to see her after meeting the emperor, and she was still thinking about how to ask her a question later.

As the daughter of the Ulanala family, if something happens to the family, she will do her part and should do her part.

No, after they left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, they went straight out of the palace, and didn't go to Zhongcui Palace to see her at all.

The queen was dumbfounded.

At the same time, I also feel that something must happen, and it is a big deal!

It must be that I think I am sick, and I don’t want to let myself know, for fear that I will be stimulated. However, there is something going on at home, how could she not know?

The empress immediately ordered Nanny Wu to go back to her mother's house to ask, and she must ask clearly what happened.

Grandma Wu agreed with her mouth, but secretly groaned in her heart.

What does this call her?

Now that the Empress Dowager has become suspicious in her heart, it is not so easy to deceive her!

Besides, paper can't hold fire, everyone in the palace knows about Miss Fuyu, how could it be possible to keep it from the queen?

Whether the queen can bear it or not, she will know sooner or later.

Rather than letting the Empress accidentally hear it "inadvertently" from someone else, it's better for her to say it herself.

For herself, she can still grasp the rhythm.

Nanny Wu put her heart to one side, and knelt down towards the queen: "Master, please forgive me, I shouldn't have kept it from you before."

The queen was dizzy for a while, her heart was jumping in panic, she stared at Nanny Wu and gritted her teeth, "So you already knew? You kept it from me? Oh, sure enough, in your eyes, I am such a useless person You all know it, just keep it from me!"



"Yes" Wu Nala collected herself, and said hesitantly, "Master, please listen carefully, don't, don't be anxious, and don't be sad. It's not that there is something wrong in the Wulanala family's house, but it's Miss Fuyu. son"

"Fuyu?" The queen was taken aback, her natal family was fine, she was slightly relieved, but after all Fuyu was her younger sister whom she had loved for so many years, and then her heart ached again: "What trouble did she get into again?"

Grandma Wu sighed in her heart, thinking what kind of trouble is this? This is courting death.

Now that she couldn't hide the matter anymore, she had to tell the Queen everything.

The queen was dizzy for a while, her eyes turned black, and she barely passed out.

Grandma Wu was so frightened that she hurriedly got up from the ground to comfort her, "Master, this is the end of the matter, please don't be sad! You have to take care of yourself"

The queen's eyes were moist, and tears welled up.

No wonder!

She was full of worries about whether the Song family would betray herself, and whether she would follow the emperor to slander her, but she didn't think about Fuyu for a while.

Thinking about it now, since the time in Yangzhou, she has never appeared in front of him again.

I didn't even notice

"I don't believe that Fuyu will do such a thing! Even if there is, isn't Mu Shi good? There is not a single strand of hair missing, so she is going to kill her like this? Help me get up, I am going to see you emperor!"

"Master, the master and wife have just entered the palace today, and they are still unable to convince the emperor, why don't you—"

"Shut up! Help me go!"

Grandma Wu had no choice but to dare not persuade her anymore, so she had to call the Venerable Master to accompany the Queen to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The fourth master was reviewing the memorial, and Mu Jin was studying ink for him. As soon as he heard that the queen was coming, the fourth master understood why.

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