Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2687 Don't worry about the consequences, she should bear it

Mu Jin glanced at Fourth Master, "The concubine avoids it."

The fourth master nodded slightly, "Yes", and pulled her to sit down: "You just stay in the study, I'm going to see the queen."

The queen came here just because of Fuyu's affairs, and when she saw Mu Jin here, she might get angry and say something ugly. Her body, the imperial physician even hinted, was suffering, so there was no need to stimulate her any more.

The queen bowed her knees and gave her a seat.

She looked at Fourth Master, her voice trembling: "Is it true about Fuyu?"

Fourth Master's eyes were calm, and he looked at her calmly: "I have made a decree, so it is naturally true."

The queen chuckled softly, closed her eyes and said in pain: "I just keep this from my concubine, is the emperor worried that my concubine will intercede for her?"

"I know you will intercede, so I'm not worried about it," Fourth Master said, "I just don't want the queen to know, it's useless to be sad."

"Since the emperor knows that the concubine will be sad, why must he punish Fuyu like that? She is the concubine's sister. The emperor's action will disgrace the concubine, and the concubine's mother's family. Why can't the emperor give the concubine some money?" Save face? It is to punish her, so why do you have to go to war like this?"

The fourth master was secretly angry, and said coldly: "Is the empress confused? You can't distinguish between right and wrong! Doesn't the empress know what that bitch has done?"

"But isn't the imperial concubine all right? Fuyu deserves to be punished, but the crime doesn't end there. Is the emperor really so heartless?" The queen was not only in pain, but also felt guilty.

If she hadn't expressly hinted, if she hadn't deliberately expressed her grievance and pain in front of Fuyu, Fuyu might not have taken this step.

She really had the idea of ​​using Fuyu as a knife to retaliate against Mu Jin, but she never thought that Fuyu would end up like this.

She thought she could control it.

She thought that Fuyu was nothing more than finding fault with Mu Jin and making troubles, even if something happened, she would still be able to clean up the mess.

But she didn't expect Fuyu to do this!

Hearing Fuyu's current miserable state, she felt extremely remorseful and heartbroken as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

Only then did she know that she really cared about and loved this younger sister, even though she was reckless, impulsive, and always getting into trouble.

But, she really treats herself well!

The queen got up, knelt down to the fourth master, kowtowed, and kowtowed again: "Your Majesty, I beg you, please forgive Fuyu. Just this time! I dare not ask you to forgive her sins, let her go home, my concubine Will you tell Ama and Erniang that she will not be allowed to step outside the house for the rest of your life, okay?"

"If the imperial concubine refuses to forgive her, the concubine will ask the concubine! No matter what the concubine wants, the concubine will agree to her! Your majesty, do you think this will work?"

Fourth Master's eyes were a little complicated.

The queen values ​​face more, and he knows better than anyone else about a decent person.

Ever since he ascended the throne, he also knew how much the queen hated Jin'er. It was not easy for the queen to say this, regardless of sincerity or retreat.

Unfortunately, what's the use?

"Ulanara's life is fate, so my imperial concubine deserves to be wronged?" The fourth master's eyes were flat and his voice was light, but with the undeniable majesty of the emperor: "Ulanara is not someone who doesn't understand anything. Sui Xiaoer, since she has the guts to do it, don't worry about the consequences, she should bear it! The queen doesn't need to say more."

The empress was tearful, almost desperate: "Aren't you, unwilling to agree to my concubine's request? This concubine dare not beg your forgiveness, but only ask her to return to the mansion, that's all. After these days, the torment she has suffered And punishment is enough!"

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