Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2688 You are so cruel

The fourth master was a little emotional: "Wu Momo, Ji Momo, help the queen up. The queen should stop talking! Since I have made a decree, it is impossible to change it. She is still alive, and the queen will be satisfied. If the queen teaches her early, she will be happy." That's not the case. But since she did such things, she didn't turn her head back, it's too late!"

The queen was on the verge of falling, "Your Majesty, you, you are so cruel"

Fourth Master's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Queen, step back!"

The queen glanced at him with deep eyes. She wiped away her tears, knelt down and gave blessings, supported Nanny Wu's hand, and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation with her back straight.

Mu Jin came out of the study and sat down beside Fourth Master.

Fourth Master turned his head to look at her, his eyes were slightly warm, his tense handsome face eased a little, and his cold aura was also withdrawn.

"Your Majesty," Mu Jin shook his hand, played with his slender fingers, and smiled at him: "The Queen's words are true, after suffering this crime, Ulanara's family suffered The punishment is quite heavy, and the concubine's anger is almost out. Otherwise, the emperor will allow the Uranala mansion to pick her up, as long as she is not allowed to go out and never see her again, the concubine will be fine. .It would be the same without her."

After saying these words, Mu Jin also felt uncomfortable.

She didn't want to let Fuyu go at all, let her go back to her natal family's house to enjoy the blessings, it was really cheap for her.

It didn't hurt herself, not because she still had kindness towards herself in her heart, but because she was unlucky.

But the queen's life expectancy is uncertain, the imperial physician is vague and dare not speak clearly, the fourth master and Mu Jin already know it in their hearts.

In case the queen went away like this, there was no guarantee that people would not think that it was because of Fuyu.

Mu Jin didn't want fourth master to feel regretful and guilty when he thought of this in the future, and feel sorry for the queen.

Sometimes, when a person dies, the many bad things she has done don't seem to matter much. Especially the person she targeted and framed was still alive and well.

On the contrary, her advantages will be magnified.

Mu Jin may be thinking a little too far, but she doesn't want to bet on it.

"What nonsense?" Fourth Master turned his head to look at her, and gently twisted her face, "This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't have to think about anything! I made up my mind when I made the decree, and I definitely won't change it I have warned the queen long ago that sooner or later her sister will make trouble, and now she deserves what she deserves!"

Mu Jin hesitated to speak.

Fourth master chuckled: "Jin'er doesn't have to be soft-hearted."

"The concubine is not soft-hearted," Mu Jin leaned into his arms, hugging his strong waist and said in a muffled voice: "The concubine is for the emperor"

The empress has always had a good face and refused to bend down, but today she was able to kneel down and kowtow to the fourth master. After saying such words, Mu Jin didn't believe that the fourth master didn't feel touched at all.

Fourth master was startled, and sighed helplessly: "You are really stupid!"

Mu Jin: ""

Well, anyway, she can only do this at most. In fact, the fourth master insisted on this, she was quite happy in the bottom of her heart, it was just so contradictory

When the queen returned to Zhongcui Palace, she lost control of her anger for the first time and smashed half of the decorations in the house.

If it wasn't for the persuasive persuasion of Wu Momo and Ji Momo, and she herself was so tired and out of breath, maybe she would continue to smash.

She's already humbled to the dust and begged, what else does he want?

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