Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2716 no promises

She kowtowed in front of Empress Daxing's golden coffin and begged the emperor to pardon Fuyu, but if she couldn't do it, how dare she do it again?

If the face is lost and the emperor becomes annoyed, what will happen to Jin Shu's future? What about the Uranara clan?

I have to endure it for the time being.

Jue Luo could only desperately tell himself that no matter how beautiful the imperial concubine is, she is still a concubine, and she still has to kowtow in front of her daughter's golden coffin and keep guard.

If you think about Jin Shu desperately, when Jin Shu is drafted into the palace next year, Empress Daxing will definitely bless her. The future is still long, and the imperial concubine's bewitching charm will still have a few years of youth and beauty for the emperor?

Thinking of this would make her feel better.

Empress Daxing's Zhongcui Palace rested for five days, and after five days, she was moved to the Hall of Enjoyment outside the Xihua Gate. Qin Tianjian was optimistic about the future, and she was buried in Tailing three months later.

Five days later, the golden coffin of Empress Daxing was moved outside the Xihua Gate to enjoy the palace, and the funeral was considered to be over.

All the white tents, white banners, and white lanterns in Zhongcui Palace and other places in the palace were all removed, but everyone had to observe a filial piety for Empress Daxing for one year. There was no banquet in the harem for one year, and it was forbidden to dress in thick ink, heavy colors, and bright colors. Ministers above and above as well as families of honored and honored relatives are prohibited from playing, entertaining, banqueting and marriage matters within one year, and the above-mentioned matters are prohibited within three months among the people.

The fourth master made another decree to change the time from one year to three months, expressing that Queen Daxing is benevolent and kind, and does not want to cause inconvenience to the subjects because of her own body, just express her feelings.

All the maids and eunuchs in Zhongcui Palace, except for a few guards left to clean the house, were all reassigned to work elsewhere.

Mu Jin learned that Empress Daxing had rewarded Nanny Wu, Runqiu, and the others before she left. After thinking about it, she spoke to the fourth master. Why not let Runqiu and the others out of the palace? That's what it means.

Grandma Wu has already expressed her heart, and she has a place to spend the rest of her life with Empress Daxing, and to guard the tomb for Empress Daxing.

Runqiu, Chunlu, etc. are not suitable to be arranged anywhere.

After all, they were decent confidants who were served closely by Empress Daxing during her lifetime. It is impossible for Mu Jin to reuse them, but it is not easy to arrange them for too low a position.

Fourth Master had no objection and nodded in agreement.

So on the second day after the palace was removed from service, Mu Jin passed on Runqiu and others to express her intentions, and after beating her out of the palace, she lived a peaceful life, carefully telling the truth.

Runqiu and the others lost Empress Daxing as their backer, and these days they were also panicking in their hearts, not knowing what would happen to them waiting for them.

After hearing Mu Jin's words, they were all overjoyed, and sincerely kowtowed to thank them.

Without the support of Empress Daxing, it would be absolutely useless for them to stay in this palace any longer.

The imperial concubine was willing to let them out of the palace, so naturally she couldn't ask for it.

With the property bestowed by Empress Daxing during her lifetime, they can live a good life after leaving the palace.

Before she left, Grandma Wu begged to see Fourth Master, and said what Jue Luo Shi had expressly hinted about about Ulanara Jinshu.

The fourth master couldn't help feeling disgusted and bored when he heard it, he raised his eyes and stared at Nanny Wu coldly, and finally ordered her to leave without giving any promise.

Empress Daxing is really the virtuous daughter of the Ulanara clan, she did not forget to pave the way for the Ulanara clan's daughter when she was gone.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for him to respond.

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