Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2717 concubine wants to think

Grandma Wu didn't care about Fourth Master's reaction at all. After saying this, she would have given Mrs. Jueluo an explanation. As for what the emperor wants to do, that's what the emperor wants. Does she care?

From then on, she only accompanied Empress Daxing.

She has to work hard to live for a few more years, because only she is alive, there is only such a person in this world who thinks of Queen Daxing wholeheartedly.

If she died, no one would remember Empress Daxing anymore.

Because of the death of Empress Daxing, the year in and out of the palace in the capital was quite simple and deserted.

Although the palace was also dressed up, it was not as lively and festive as in previous years.

The huge red lanterns with long golden tassels hanging under the eaves and corridors of the palace are not like in previous years, or the exquisite and exquisite palace lanterns are painted brilliantly.

Even the flowers placed everywhere try to avoid bright red colors, mostly pink, light yellow, light red and white.

For Mu Jin, it would be more comfortable to celebrate the new year without so many official entertainments.

After everyone had dinner together, they all dispersed soon.

Fourth Master accompanied Mu Jin, Hong Zhang, and Ji Er back to Yikun Palace.

There was nothing much fun at night, they chatted for a while, and played with Ji'er for a while, Hongzhang and Ji'er went back to rest after a while, Mu Jin smiled to the fourth master: "Your Majesty, you can go back today." Hall of Mental Cultivation?"

Since Empress Daxing left, Fourth Master stayed in Yikun Palace every day. Even if they didn't do anything, they could sleep more comfortably while embracing each other.

The fourth master nodded and smiled without thinking: "Of course I want to stay, I don't want to leave Jin'er for a moment, Jin'er don't drive me away!"

Mu Jin told him to laugh, "It's so pitiful, how can the concubine have the heart to rush?"

They both looked at each other and laughed, fourth master took her into his arms and stroked her gently.

Mu Jin snuggled into Fourth Master's arms, rubbed her face against his chest, and suddenly said softly: "Your Majesty, this concubine wants to think about it."

As the Chinese New Year approached, both Mu Jin and Hongzhang missed each other very much, especially on New Year's Eve, when both mother and son were in a bad mood.

Although there are letters and letters every month, after these few months, the situation in Yunnan has been almost handled by Ba Ye, Sisi is doing well, and there is no need to worry about safety issues.

But even so, it still makes people feel uneasy, and always feels as if there is a corner that is empty, which makes people flustered.

The fourth master paused while stroking her hand, and said softly: "I miss her too, in April and May next year, I think Lao Ba should come back too! Be good, our Sisi is better now, let's wait for her to come back with peace of mind That's right."

Mu Jin nodded lightly and said "Yes", with a slight smile on her lips and gentle eyes, "What she said in the letter seems to be a bit of a joyful one. Qiukui said that she is very talented in martial arts, especially lightness kung fu. The towering tree with a height of 30 to 40 meters can be climbed as soon as it is said, and I don’t know what the skin has become.”

The fourth master was also a little helpless, and said with a smile: "Forget it, this girl is probably too wild now, so let's just deal with it. After all, she is a princess, and I can't bear to be harsh, so let her be happy. Anyway, my golden branches and jade leaves are also Don't worry about not getting married. When she comes back, you should restrain her less."

Mu Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Yes, the golden branches and jade leaves of the emperor are solemn and grand, so how dare the concubines care about them!"

Fourth Master smiled lowly, with a deep voice: "It's enough for Jin'er to take care of me." He lowered his head and gently held her lips.

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