Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2742 the imperial concubine was joking

Seeing what Mu Jin said, all the wives cheered up and lost their fear in an instant, and they all started laughing and asking various questions.

While talking obediently and flattering and complimenting Mu Jin as a foreshadowing, he asked about Si Ye's attitude and plans for this draft, both openly and covertly.

And also mentioned the matter of Li Hou in a rather cryptic manner.

Mu Jin dealt with it with a smile, and sneered in her heart. It's no wonder they don't take themselves so seriously. The nobles of the Eight Banners are the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. In the eyes?

According to their thinking, the emperor's admission to the harem this time is a doomed thing, and even if she is a noble concubine, she can't change it. In this case, as long as the noble concubine is a smart one, of course it is better to form an alliance than an enemy.

It's better to win over a few more allies now, so that we can take care of each other in the future.

A few more allies are only good for the imperial concubine, after all, the imperial concubine will not be able to take the next position. When the new empress fights with the imperial concubine, the imperial concubine can't have no allies.

Of course, it's hard to say whether this ally is real or whether each of them takes what they want.

Just as he was talking, Jueluo Shi suddenly led Ulanara Jinshu forward, ordered Jinshu to present to Mu Jin, and bowed to Mu Jin with a smile: "Imperial Concubine, this is our brocade book. I also ask the imperial concubine to take care of me. After all, if the empress was here, I would definitely not let Jinshu be wronged, now I have to ask the imperial concubine!"

Everyone was startled, and their eyes became meaningful.

Some people's eyes are quite playful.

Mu Jin was extremely bored, and felt disgusted suddenly.

Do you think Roche is addicted? If there is anything to do, the queen will talk about it first, and use the queen to suppress others.

It's nothing more than once or twice this time, she is not afraid of being disgusted by too many times!

In front of so many people, I forced myself to make a promise.

Thinking about it, she was also panicking, so she always mentioned the former queen from time to time, lest people forget the Ulanala family from which the former queen came.

"Madame Jueluo is embarrassing me," Mu Jin said with a half-joke and half-seriousness, "Is this girl from the Ulanara family so lucky, or even every beautiful girl is so lucky?" It's not my palace's final decision, it depends on what the emperor wants. If Miss Jinshu has good luck, I don't need my help. I'm afraid I will ask her to take care of her in the future. Madam Jue Luo said this now, but she is too impatient."

All the ladies were shocked when they heard the words, and their faces changed.

Yes, the former empress was virtuous and virtuous. No matter how much the emperor doted on the imperial concubine, he had never heard of the imperial concubine Xu overstepping it. It can be seen that the emperor is very satisfied with Ulanara.

Everyone couldn't help looking at this girl from Jinshu secretly, she was really dignified, graceful, and well-rounded, and she really looked like a former queen, which was completely different from Ulana Lafuyu

Maybe, it really caught the eyes of the emperor.

For a moment, everyone subconsciously developed a bit of hostility towards Jue Luo Shi and Jin Shu.

Jue Luoshi listened to Mu Jin's words, which coincided with what he expected and thought in his heart. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and he couldn't care less about what Mu Jin said before, so a smile appeared on his face unconsciously, "The imperial concubine is joking."

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