Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2743 She doesn't want to sit here all the time to answer questions

Mu Jin smiled, and stopped answering.

Feeling that Mrs. Luo felt that she got the answer she wanted, she was full of joy and complacency, so she stopped pestering Mu Jin, and she was quite magnanimous not to care about Mu Jin.

Feeling that Mrs. Luo's disturbance caused everyone to have different thoughts, so they didn't say anything more.

Mu Jin glanced lightly, and smiled slightly: "I haven't seen these flowers and trees today, I have walked around, ladies, please feel free."

Mu Jin said and got up.

She didn't want to sit here all the time answering questions.

It was her, who came from a humble background in the eyes of the nobles of the Eight Banners. These ladies were respectful on the surface, but they were disdainful in their hearts. They didn't take her seriously at all, so they dared to ask and inquire like this.

If the person sitting in my position today is a woman from the noble family of the Eight Banners, I guess they would not dare. I'm afraid they are too busy flattering and hugging their thighs instead.

Because if she is a woman from the noble family of the Eight Banners, has both children, is well-loved, and occupies the position of the imperial concubine who is the same as the vice-queen, is it not appropriate to be the candidate for the queen?

Mammy Yan helped Mu Jin to enjoy the flowers, followed by Xiaotao and Buckwheat.

Mu Jin ordered the wives to take care of themselves, and didn't let anyone join them.

Nurse Yan said in a soft voice: "Master, think about the emperor more. No one else can compare to the emperor who loves master so much. Let others say what they want to say. Master, don't take it to heart."

Mu Jin smiled, feeling warm in her heart, and nodded at Nanny Yan: "Don't worry, I'm not that confused!"

Shi Fujin came over with a smile, and Mu Jin stood there waiting for her.

Shi Fujin had some lingering fears in his heart, and said amusedly, "These ladies are too scary, what can I know? Even I won't let them go."

Mu Jin couldn't help giggling.

The two were walking casually and talking, when they suddenly heard a noise coming from the left, listening carefully, Shi Fujin raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Hey, the emperor is here."

Mu Jin smiled: "Let's go there."

At this moment, people from all over hurriedly went to pay their respects.

Mu Jin walked over, seeing all the wives respectful and reserved, seeing all the ladies shy and excited secretly looking up at Fourth Master, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

For some reason, the words "there are too many monks and too little food" came to mind instantly, and I almost didn't laugh out loud.

Isn't the emperor just a bowl of steaming and tempting porridge, big fragrant steamed buns! Everyone wants to take a bite.

It's a long way to go if you want to keep from being bitten by others.

"The concubine pays respects to the emperor!"

Mu Jin stepped forward, smiling, and was about to bow his knees to salute, the fourth master took two steps forward, reached out and held her arm to support her, and said with a smile: "Your imperial concubine, you don't need to be polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Mu Jin smiled.

The fourth master said: "I forgot for a while that there is a flower viewing party in the imperial garden today, and disturbed the imperial concubine to enjoy the flowers. I have to leave first, and the imperial concubine can enjoy herself."

Of course, he didn't really forget that there was a flower viewing party in the imperial garden today, so he came here casually, and then met many people, didn't these people always want to see his attitude and meet him? So what if he showed up?

Mu Jinyang smiled and nodded: "Your Majesty, you are busy, the concubine will not disturb the Emperor."

Fourth Master nodded: "Well, go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to accompany me for lunch."

Today was just to enjoy the flowers, and did not stay in the palace for dinner with the wives, and it was almost time to leave at this moment, Mu Jin responded with a smile when she heard the words.

Everyone saw that the emperor and the imperial concubine were talking without anyone else, and the imperial concubine was talking and laughing, she was unparalleled in beauty, and her natural charm was beyond the reach of others.

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