Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2746 Mu Jin is quite nervous and expecting

What if the emperor really just folded a flower and gave it to the imperial concubine without any other meaning?

If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be self-defeating?

Therefore, everyone had doubts in their hearts, and they didn't dare to mess around in the end.

In the eyes of all the people, the first Chunwei exam in Yongzheng year finally started.

These few days, fourth master is very busy.

Mu Jin was also a little nervous, and ordered Gaoliang to send people to watch some places outside the palace, so that they could inquire about relevant news.

Mu Jianyun, the younger brother of her natal family, also participated in Chunwei this year. Mu Jin knew that her younger brother was well educated, so she naturally hoped that he would get a good grade in the exam.

He hasn't told fourth master that he wants to marry Nian Xinmei, it depends on his grades, if he gets a good grade in the exam, he can have more confidence in the matter with fourth master.

The tense and anxiously anticipated spring came to an end in mid-April.

Tomorrow is the time for the release of the list, and Mu Jin is quite nervous and looking forward to it, waiting for the release of the list tomorrow.

According to the news from Gao Liang, it is said that the young master of the Mu family performed very well. After all, the young master left the examination room with a good face and a calm expression. He went to get together with his friends after resting at home for a day. Not bad.

Because Mu Jin was full of nervousness about her natal brother's Chun Wei results, she couldn't concentrate much. After having dinner with the fourth master and two sons, the two sons went back to their respective places. After she and the fourth master also bathed and washed back to the bedroom, the four The master finally couldn't bear it anymore and pressed her into his arms, looked down at her and gritted his teeth: "Jin'er, don't you have anything to ask me?"

Mu Jin was taken aback, her eyes widened inexplicably, and by the way, she searched her brains and pondered: "I don't seem to have anything to ask the emperor. Is there anything the emperor wants to tell the concubine?"

Fourth master was suddenly heartbroken. Absolutely not to say that he has been preparing for a long time, or even waiting for her to flatter and fawn on her to come to his door. He just loves to see her like that, but there is nothing!

Couldn't be more disappointed!

"Really? Jin'er, stop thinking about it?"

Mu Jin: ""

Mu Jinxin said, her fourth master smoked again from time to time, so why don't you talk about it properly, why do you have to be so arrogant?

Mu Jin was very cooperative, she leaned softly into his arms, hugged his neck and smiled softly: "The concubine can't remember, I beg the emperor to have mercy, the emperor, please tell the concubine."

Forget it, this is almost enough, and it's no fun to toss it any longer. The fourth master smiled and said, "Jin'er doesn't want to know what rank your younger brother got in the palace exam?"

Mu Jin was taken aback, of course she wanted to!

She looked at Fourth Master stupidly and nodded: "Chenqie thinks, Chenqie knows that tomorrow will be announced, Chenqie told Gao Liang to keep an eye on the outside, find out the news as soon as possible and tell Chenqie."

"How stupid are you?" The fourth master felt that he had hinted at this point and she hadn't realized it yet, so he was speechless, "I am the emperor, and I found out today, you won't please me, ask I?"

It was a waste of time for him to prepare for a long time and wait for her to ask, but it turned out to be a good thing. I dare say she is waiting for the list to be released tomorrow, is she stupid?

Mu Jin was taken aback for a moment, "Ah!" she exclaimed, it was a revelation, a sudden awakening, and endless regrets.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Mu Jin's eyes lit up, and she hugged Fourth Master enthusiastically: "Your Majesty, this concubine is so confused, you can tell this concubine quickly, what rank did this concubine's younger brother get in the exam?"

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