Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2747 Jin'er, sincerity

Although this result was not the result of the woman in her arms taking the initiative, but asking for it, although it was a bit unsatisfactory, at least the most of the hard work in her heart was not in vain.

Fourth master's thin lips hooked slightly, his handsome face was full of smiles, and he raised his eyebrows: "Please?"

Mu Jin nodded again and again, looking at him eagerly: "Please!"

Fourth master smiled lowly, twisted her face: "Jin'er, where is your sincerity?"

"" Mu Jin complained wildly in her heart, why don't you be so funny, I haven't teased her for a long time, do you feel that the days are a bit monotonous, so you must tease her to find it interesting?

"Your Majesty!" Mu Jin said impatiently, "I will accept whatever you want, please tell my concubines!"

Fourth Master chuckled, his eyes flickered: "Is it true that everything depends on me?"

"True, more true than anything else!" Mu Jin nodded repeatedly.

The fourth master laughed happily, leaned over and whispered something intimately in her ear, Mu Jin blushed, faltered and refused to answer, but the fourth master was pestering and refused to give up, Mu Jin could only blushed and half pushed and half responded vaguely Now, without waiting for him to make trouble with her, he pushed him and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you haven't said what the result of my concubine's younger brother's imperial examination is!"

The fourth master looked down at her, and then smiled and said: "Your younger brother is very knowledgeable, elegant and upright, I value it a lot, and the old officials also praised him a lot. After discussing with the old officials, I appointed him as the Tanhua, are you happy? ?”

"Really?" Mu Jin was startled, and after a moment of disbelief, she was overwhelmed with ecstasy, surprise, and elation.

There was a big smile on her face in an instant, her eyes were sparkling, and her whole face was radiant. Her overpowering face was shining like a pearl, so amazing that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

"Your majesty, you, you won't be lying to my concubine, right? Why does this concubine feel like it's like a dream?"

Fourth Master couldn't laugh or cry, and said with a smile: "What a big deal, can I use this to lie to you?"

Mu Jin giggled and nodded quickly: "That's true, the concubine said something stupid."

She sighed contentedly, and sighed with a smile: "Tanhualang, hehe, there is a Tanhualang from my concubine's family!"

"The Mu family is good," Fourth Master smiled, kissed her hard on the cheek, and said with a smile, "Are you happy to be silly? Huh? Be good, don't think about it, think about me."

Mu Jin was very happy at the moment, "When will the concubine miss the emperor!"

Fourth Master smiled lowly: "What did you promise me just now?"

Mu Jin blushed, and shyly slipped into his arms. The fourth master smiled lowly, bowed his head and kissed him

One night of absurdity and obsession, the next morning Fourth Master got up refreshed and went to court early, Mu Jin woke up leisurely when the sky was bright, and he didn't want to move his lazy fingers.

Unconsciously thinking about the absurdity of last night, his face flushed, his eyes blurred and he stared at the top of the tent for a while, thinking about today's announcement, his own brother won the prize, and he laughed again unconsciously.

In a trance, as if in a dream.

She really didn't expect that Mu Jianyun would do so well in the exam, let alone that the fourth master would not avoid suspicion and point him out as a candidate.

It's just that I hope that my status as an imperial concubine will not cause him to be criticized by others.

Because he is his younger brother, maybe someone will gossip behind his back because of jealousy, saying that he was selected because of his relationship.

However, since he has real talents and practical learning, he is not afraid of

In any case, the more prosperous my natal father and brother are, the more secure my position will be. Even if Fourth Master one day confronts the nobles of the Eight Banners for himself, he will be more confident.

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