Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2801 It will be bad if you make trouble in front of the imperial concubine

Aunt Lin: "Today's matter, until now, no one is allowed to mention it. When this matter happened, this old slave can't pretend that it didn't happen. He must report it to the imperial concubine and empress of Yikun Palace. The two young masters ask themselves Good luck!"

Now Ulanara Jinshu and Xilinjueluoshi are in a hurry.

Xilin Jueluo fell to his knees with a "plop", and begged Aunt Lin, "Aunt Lin, I dare not, I will never dare again! What happened today is all my fault, please forgive me, Aunt Lin." I beg Aunt Lin, don't report to the imperial concubine!"

Ulanara Jinshu hesitated for a moment, and then knelt down, "I beg Aunt Lin to be merciful, next time I, I won't dare again, please forgive us this time."

It would be bad if the matter came to the imperial concubine.

The Fucha family and others also knelt down to intercede.

They are also implicated in this matter, if the imperial concubine really wants to ask, she will definitely investigate carefully, and they will also leave a bad impression.

Can the imperial concubine not tell the emperor? What would the emperor think?

When the young masters saw it, they all had to kneel down.

Aunt Lin was expressionless, glanced at everyone, and said coldly: "What's the use of saying this now, young masters? Do you really think that the palace doesn't know each other's news, and you can hide anything if you want to hide it? With such a big incident happening in the Xiu Palace, the young masters really think that the imperial concubine will not know if the old slave does not tell? The imperial concubine governing the Six Palaces, if she knows about it, will she pretend not to know and ask?"

"The little masters are not so naive, are they? This old slave is not so courageous, and dares to deceive the imperial concubine."

"Young masters, on the first day they stayed in Chuxiu Palace, this old slave reminded everyone to be cautious in their words and deeds, and remember not to act impulsively."

"I knew it earlier, why bother?"

"You don't have to be like this, young masters. It's against the rules to do this. Get up quickly! In this palace, it's not a good thing to behave improperly and not follow the rules!"

Everyone was silent.

Ulanara Jinshu and Xilinjueluo clan's two right masters were even paler and lost their souls.

Fucha and the others all had ugly faces, panic and regrets in their hearts.

Dong E Mingyan raised her eyes without any trace and quickly glanced at everyone, her eyes were calm, and her lips curled up.

These idiots should be more impulsive.

Where is this? It's just that Xiu Nu, whose whereabouts have not yet been decided, can't wait to fight first.

The imperial concubine will surely not let go of this trick of sending her to her door, right?

As long as the imperial concubine speaks a few words in front of the emperor, the future of everyone involved in today's incident will be ruined.

The emperor is meticulous in his actions, rules are the most important, and he will definitely not leave such a person who does not know the rules in the palace.

Their future is already evident.

Even at this moment, they still have a little bit of luck in their hearts.

All the young masters stood up slowly one by one, with their heads lowered, not daring to make a sound.

Aunt Lin sighed, "Let's all go back to rest. This old slave will report to the imperial concubine. How the imperial concubine will deal with it depends on your luck."

Although it's getting late now, in two quarters of an hour it's time for dinner to be served in each palace.

But it happened that there was trouble at this moment, what could she do?

Press down and not report? Oh, she doesn't have such courage!

I have to suffer a meal and complain, and I have to report it.

Fu Cha gritted her teeth, stepped forward and said, "I'm also at fault when it comes to today's matter. I shouldn't have teased Sister Wulanara, why don't you take us to Yikun Palace to plead guilty to the imperial concubine?"

Ask for votes, sisters, especially for the new book, please please~

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