Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2803 Mother Yan originally wanted to avoid Fourth Master

Mu Jin loves the tendon and winter bamboo shoots inside the most. When the fourth master came to the table, he served her a small bowl with soup and placed it in front of her. He smiled and watched her eat with crooked eyebrows and smiled at him with a contented expression. contented.

It would be more delicious to add sea cucumber to Buddha Jumping Wall, but he remembered very clearly that when she was still in the residence, she asked the kitchen to make Buddha Jumping Wall for the first time, so she specifically ordered the kitchen not to add sea cucumber.

He was unhappy in his heart, and she could feel it without frowning.

Only when you really put a person in your heart, will you notice all kinds of details. Although she often flattered him with a smile, saying "the emperor is wise", those flattery words couldn't be more false, but her concern for him was definitely not just in words.

In the past few days when the beautiful women entered the palace, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, so he had to be more patient, considerate, gentle and coax her to love her, so that she would not have the energy to think wildly.

It happened that the two of them didn't need to deal with the memorial tonight, so they had dinner together and took a walk in the courtyard to digest food, and then entered the palace together.

I don't know what I said, the fourth master came and took Mu Jin to the small study to draw in the interest.

Nanny Yan and Su Peisheng secretly exchanged glances, judging by the situation, the emperor and imperial concubine will not be separated tonight.

If it was an unimportant matter at Chuxiu Palace, Aunt Lin would have reported it in the morning, instead of sitting in the tea room and waiting.

I have to report to the imperial concubine at this moment.

Nanny Yan originally wanted to avoid Fourth Master, but now she obviously couldn't.

Mu Jin had already seen Nanny Yan's hesitant look, looked up at her, and asked with a smile, "Does Nanny Yan have something to report?"

Nurse Yan hurriedly bowed her knees and saluted: "Go back to Madam, Aunt Lin from Chuxiu Palace asked to see her, she said she has something important to report."

"Aunt Lin?" Mu Jin raised her eyebrows, looked at the fourth master and smiled softly: "The people living in Chuxiu Palace are all young masters, and the concubines still have to hear what happened. You should go to the study first. .”

Fourth master: "I'm with you, and I'll listen too."

Mu Jin smiled, pulled him to sit down, and ordered Madam Yan to bring Aunt Lin in.

Aunt Lin waited for a long time without any impatience. She thanked her with a smile, brushed off her clothes, straightened her hair, lowered her hands, respectfully followed Madam Yan into the main hall of Yikun Palace, and headed east. Went away.

"This old slave pays respects to the emperor and imperial concubine!" Aunt Lin saluted and sighed in her heart.

I knew that when this matter was reported to the imperial concubine, it was very likely that the emperor would not be able to avoid it, and it was so.

This can't be blamed on her, it's not that she didn't want to help the little masters cover up, it's really their fate.

Mu Jin smiled and ordered her to flatten, and asked her what was the matter?

How dare Aunt Lin hide it? He immediately said everything he knew respectfully and respectfully.

After finishing speaking, he knelt down and kowtowed to the top twice, pleading guilty: "It's all the fault of the old slave. The old slave didn't do his duty properly, so that this kind of thing happened. Please punish the emperor and imperial concubine."

"Hmph!" Fourth Master sneered, staring coldly at Aunt Lin: "The smoky atmosphere! You are an old man in the palace, you can't manage this well, you should be punished."

Mu Jin softly persuaded: "Your Majesty, Aunt Lin has always been serious and attentive in her work. There are so many little masters living together, no matter how hard Aunt Lin is, she is not supercilious. Occasionally she is negligent, although she is wrong. It's justifiable. How about a two-month fine, what do you think?"

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