Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2820 How can the imperial concubine be afraid of her

It's better to break it clean at the beginning, and concentrate on living only for yourself and this life from now on.

Mu Jin smiled: "Okay, get up. That's all I said! You go back first."

Sitara didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or continue to worry.

But since the imperial concubine asked her to step down, she could only step back and wait for news.

At least the imperial concubine did not reject her, did she?

Sitara retreated, and Madam Yan couldn't help but said: "Master, do you believe what she said? If she really thinks like what she said, it's not bad. The old slave sees that she has a calm temperament, so I hope she can be trained for a few years. It's also a big arm of the master, that's right, people's hearts are separated from the belly."

Who knows whether she is sincere or false, and whether it will change in the future?

If it's someone who hides deeply and harbors evil intentions, wouldn't it be leading wolves into the house?

Mu Jin pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Nurse sent someone to check to see if her home is as she said."

Although Sitara doesn't seem like a liar, and may not dare to lie in front of the imperial concubine, Mu Jin still wants to check.

"Yes, master." Nanny Yan nodded, knowing in her heart that if what Nasitara said was true, the imperial concubine really planned to use her.

I think so, with the means of the imperial concubine, even if the Sitara family betrays in the future, it may not be able to please.

How can the imperial concubine be afraid of her?

Shen Liangwei leaned on the soft couch, unconsciously recalling what Sitara said, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

If it's true what she said, it's too bad luck.

These days, the marriage of a girl's family is completely in the hands of her parents. If there is a parent who is more ruthless, it will be a disaster.

There is no need to even think about escaping from the family to make a living. Women who rarely communicate with the outside world on weekdays have a blank or blank understanding of this society. How many can survive outside the house?

Those who are unlucky enough to meet human teeth or human traffickers, tie them up and sell them in a hook, might as well marry a fool

Fortunately, although the original owner was not good when I first passed through, at least my personal safety was guaranteed.

At least, I have loving parents.

It would be a good thing if the Hitaras could be subdued.

Let's make plans after Mammy Yan gets someone to check the results.

Mu Jin did not expect that one day Xi Tara came to intercede, and the next day at ten o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was so hot that people were drowsy and listless, Dong E also came to beg for an audience.

Ganqing these people are quite understanding, even if they want to do something, they will come when the night is dark and the wind is high, but they all pick at noon, because they are afraid that when they come at night, they will encounter Fourth Master in Yikun Palace, Can't they avoid the suspicion of deliberately wanting to show their faces in front of fourth master?

This is true of the Xitara family, and so is the Dong E family.

In Xi Tara's situation, Mu Jin can understand that she surrendered herself and begged for protection to show her sincerity, but she can't understand Dong E's!

After thinking for a while, Mu Jin said: "Everyone has arrived at the gate of the palace, let her in. Go back and say hello to Aunt Lin in Chuxiu Palace. If anyone wants to leave Chuxiu Palace in the past two days, let her send a It is enough to be accompanied by someone, so there is no need to refuse."

She also wanted to see, the day of the palace selection was two days away, and who else had other thoughts.

This is the only chance for them to participate in the draft. If you have anything to say, don't let them hold back and let them speak out.

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