Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2821 Did she know it on purpose?

When Dong E's family entered the palace, like Xi Tara's family, they lowered their eyes and focused their attention, and behaved well. When they saw Mu Jin, they knelt down and saluted.

"Let's get up!" Mu Jin smiled slightly, "Young master Dong E is already a half-acquainted person, so I don't need to be cautious in front of you. If you have something in your heart, it's okay to say it."

She sized Dong E Mingyan up without any trace, she was wearing the clothes uniformly handed out by the young masters during training, and her hair style was the same, and there was nothing superfluous on her body to show her personality.

It looks more pleasing to the eye.

"Imperial Concubine, two days ago, I was listening to the opera in Changyin Pavilion. I shouldn't have forgotten the rules of the palace and put on such inappropriate clothes. It's my daughter's fault. But, but my daughter really It wasn't intentional, so today I'm here to plead guilty, and I also ask the imperial concubine to forgive me!"

Nanny Yan couldn't help but cast a glance at her, a little disdainful.

Whether it was intentional or not, she knew in her heart.

How dare she say that she didn't do that to impress the emperor with her innocence, beauty and elegance? Unexpectedly, it was photographed on the horse's leg, and now it ran to the imperial concubine and sold it badly

"Young master Dong E is serious," Mu Jin said with a smile: "All the young masters had the freedom to choose their favorite clothes that day, how can I be so strong? Even this should be taken care of? Dong E young man The Lord is really over-hearted."

Who can't say the cliché, even if they can't, after so many years in the harem of the fourth master's backyard, a pig should have improved.

If you don't have to worry about it, it sounds like Mu Jin won't feel any pressure.

But it’s just about being decent, and then hahaha for a while, hello, hello, hello everyone.

Dong E Mingyan is also a smart person, after hearing what Mu Jin said, she understood her attitude, and couldn't help but secretly worried.

This is not what she wants.

"The imperial concubine is generous and virtuous, and the courtiers and courtiers are more and more ashamed. From now on, from now on, the courtiers will never act so foolishly again, but ask the imperial concubine to teach, and the courtiers will definitely follow Yi's order and listen to the emperor Concubine's"

Dong E Mingyan bowed her head and whispered.

She was a little nervous and her heart was beating fast.

And a little distraught.

Thinking that she, a dignified lady of the Eight Banners, had to bow her head to show her favor to a woman who was born in the Han Army Banner, voluntarily surrendered, and expressed her willingness to follow her lead. It was really, really shameless.

But what can she do?

The situation could not be controlled, that day in Changyin Pavilion, she felt that she had been reprimanded by the emperor for no reason, and felt wronged but unable to express it, so she had no choice but to lower her posture.

After much deliberation, the only option is to rely on the imperial concubine.

Mu Jin's eyes were a little cold, and there was a mocking smile on the corner of his lips.

This person is also here to surrender, but this surrender sounds good, but in fact it is like using himself as a stumbling block.

Mu Jin smiled and said, "Aunt Lin has already told the masters about it, right? This palace is a place with rules, no matter who it is, it's up to the rules, even this palace is no exception. How can Gong Hede and how can he teach young master Dong E? Besides, what I said is not good, the emperor will decide whether or not young master Dong E will stay in the palace in the future. Ben Gong said such things, how can I ask Ben Gong to answer!"

"If it is spread, it seems that this palace can be the master of the emperor. Wouldn't it ruin my reputation?"

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