Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2822 That's Your Majesty, You Are Too Charming

Dong E Mingyan was dizzy for a while, angry and anxious, dumbfounded.

She didn't expect Mu Jin, the imperial concubine, to be so difficult to speak.

It's, it's actually not saving any face for myself

Dong E Mingyan thinks this is an incredible thing!

I was born in a veritable old Eight Banners aristocratic family, and I would rather bow my head to her and be willing to be on the front line with her. Shouldn't she be surprised and happy, and happily accept it?

Originally, she wanted to compete for the queen in her heart, but the Emperor Changyin Pavilion scolded her so that she had to give up. However, the emperor will establish a new queen, and there will be countless new people in the palace. Doesn't the imperial concubine need help?

She surrendered to her and stood by her side, so she didn't need it?

Could it be that he was still angry about what happened at Changyin Pavilion that day?

If this is the case, the imperial concubine is too narrow-minded. How to become a master

After all, Dong E Mingyan was still not willing to give up Mu Jin as a big backer, or rather, a big stepping stone, gritted her teeth, and pleaded again: "Imperial Concubine, the minister is terrified, it is the minister who said the wrong thing, the minister, the minister I admire the imperial concubine, and I only hope that I will be blessed to serve the imperial concubine by her side. The servant girl will definitely not let the imperial concubine down!"

"The courtiers are bold, the imperial concubine must, must need someone to help, right? The imperial concubine accepts the courtiers with ulterior motives, and the courtiers must come out to take care of the imperial concubine. The empress is precious, but it is not easy to let go mouth tongue"

Mu Jin smiled and despised her even more.

This should be done again and again, if he agrees to her, it is clear that she is taking advantage of it, but it seems that it is all for her own benefit.

"Young master Dong E is really worried. There are people in the palace who are in charge, so there is no need for young master Dong E to worry about it. Please come back, young master Dong E! Don't worry, the emperor has his own ideas. I don't want to worry about it. Will talk a lot in front of the emperor, whether the little master can get what he wants depends on the little master's own good fortune."

"Imperial concubine, my servant—"

"Mother Yan, see off the guests!"

"Yes, master." Nanny Yan was neither polite nor happy, she came to Dong E Mingyan, with a cold face and no expression: "Master Dong E, please!"

Dong E Mingyan's face turned red and turned white, she had no face to stay any longer, so she had to leave without saying a word.

He walked too hastily, or because he was restless, he didn't even salute Mu Jin.

Mu Jin also had no intention of making things difficult for her, but it can be seen from this that she doesn't take herself seriously as an imperial concubine at all.

Heh, coming from an aristocratic family of the Eight Banners, this arrogance is naturally very unmatched.

It was night, Fourth Master stayed in Yikun Palace for dinner and overnight as usual.

After entering the dormitory, the two were lingering, and after the goblins fought, the fourth master embraced the woman beside him and kissed tenderly, lovingly, caressing her pretty face, which was as beautiful as peaches and plums, kissed her hard, and wrote lightly: "I listen Did you say that Xi Tara and Dong E have come to look for Jin'er today?"

"You can't hide anything from the emperor," Mu Jin smiled lazily, and said lazily, "I'm here to find my concubine to surrender. The concubine has not made up her mind whether to or not. Your majesty, what do you think?"

The fourth master gave a "sigh" smile, his eyes were slightly cold: "These ones are really thought-provoking!"

Mu Jin's eyes were dark: "That's because your majesty is too charming!"

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