Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2825 coolly glanced at Mu Jin

It's hard to say what will happen to the show girl left behind.

I'm afraid that in these years, the emperor has never touched other women except the imperial concubine. Anyway, the emperor never touched her when he spent the night with her.

Even if it's just a show, it was when the first queen was alive.

Ever since the queen passed away, the emperor didn't even go there to put on a show.

This mere beautiful girl is so young, and her appearance is rarely outstanding, how can the emperor catch her eye?

Concubine Qi also thought in her heart that it was because of Mu Jin that not a single show girl was left behind, so she couldn't help but sneered secretly with sourness and jealousy.

Concubine De's face was very ugly.

He gave Mu Jin a cool look.

Mu Jin raised her eyes, and looked innocently at her: she was sitting here without saying a word like everyone else, and it was all Si Ye's idea, why did she put the pot on her head? ?

Unjust death okay?

When the fourth group of beautiful girls came in, Concubine De no longer watched coldly. If she continued to watch coldly, the emperor might send everyone back.

"Your Majesty, this Fucha family looks upright, dignified and generous, and looks healthy at first glance, and has good manners. Why don't you leave a sign?"

Fucha was overjoyed, raised her eyes slightly, her eyes shone brightly, and looked at Fourth Master expectantly.

Fourth Master's originally expressionless Long face became even colder in an instant: "Excellent etiquette? Er Niang probably doesn't know about the excitement in Chuxiu Palace!"

Concubine De's face suddenly turned ugly, so she fell silent.

Although she didn't ask about the farce in Chuxiu Palace, she naturally knew about such a big matter.

At that time, she gloated and made fun of her misfortune, and said, what does the Mu family know? How can she manage such a big event as the draft?

No, it's a joke!

She thought that the fourth master would blame Mu Jin for his ineffectiveness, but she didn't expect that the fourth master would still run to Yikun Palace when he had time without saying anything, and he was still inseparable from her.

As a result, the plan to take the opportunity to teach Mu Jin a few words had to be given up.

Now that fourth master said this, Fu Cha's face became ugly, flushed, and almost shed tears with embarrassment.

This time the fourth master took a closer look, and asked Mu Jin, "Is there any imperial concubine who can keep it?"

Concubine De is so heartbroken!

Ask Mu Jin, but don't ask yourself!

When she was still in the Taishang Empress Palace, she, Concubine Hui, Concubine Yi and the others hosted several drafts together, and there was never any trouble. Mrs. Mu made a fool of herself, and in the end she really made a joke out of Mrs. Mu, so she was not punished!

Simply unprincipled.

She was waiting, and when the Supreme Emperor returned to Beijing, she would definitely report to the Supreme Emperor.

The son is not filial to her mother-in-law, and refuses to listen to him. Instead, he is always on guard against himself. She is so soft-spoken and helpless. It depends on whether the Supreme Emperor will listen to him or not.

Mu Jin looked at it, turned her head to look at Fourth Master and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, my concubine sees that the Wanyan family and the Guerjia family are not bad."

Fourth master nodded: "Leave these two."

The Fucha family couldn't bear it anymore, "Plop" knelt down and cried and begged: "Your Majesty, forgive me! Your servant must be careful in words and deeds, and never dare again! That day, that day was just a day. It was an accident, my daughter shouldn't talk too much, I beg the emperor to spare my daughter this time!"

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