Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2826 How does fourth master remember who she is

After the farce that day passed, no one mentioned it again, and the imperial concubine didn't say anything, let alone heard that the emperor was angry.

The Fucha family and the others secretly said that they were lucky to be relieved, and naively thought that the emperor didn't know about it!

No, the emperor not only knew about it, but also remembered it clearly.

What's the deal with this?

Not only did she lose the election, but she was also reprimanded by the emperor for dissatisfaction?

Fucha felt that the sky was falling.

Seeing this, Concubine De couldn't help pleading: "Your Majesty—"

"Presumptuous!" The fourth master scolded in a deep voice: "What's the point of crying and crying like this? Come on, hurry up and drag me down!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Su Peisheng was also startled, winking, and immediately two young eunuchs stepped forward quickly, one left and one right carrying Mrs. Fucha and went out.

The five beautiful girls were a little dumbfounded, and the eunuch Si Li hurriedly ordered them to be taken down separately.

Concubine De's face was very ugly, "Your Majesty, what happened that day was a fight between Ulanara Jinshu and Xilinjueluo clan, which was unseemly, and Fucha clan only said a few words, how could it be so serious? It is too much for the emperor to implicate people so mercilessly."

The fourth master sneered: "Emiang didn't know the whole truth, Xilinjueluo followed Fucha's every day and listened to Fucha's everything. In truth, Fucha's is the culprit. Such a person People who hide behind their backs and provoke others, but let others make trouble, will never be tolerated in my harem."

Concubine De was speechless.

Next, all those involved in the farce of that day were defeated.

Although Concubine De was not satisfied, she couldn't say anything more.

Wulanara Jinshu did not expect that the emperor would even give up on himself even without looking at the face of the former empress.

As if struck by lightning, Ulanara looked at Fourth Master with a white face and miserably, trying to remind Fourth Master who she was, and then changed his mind and let her stay.

Where did fourth master remember who she was?

Not giving up, she looked at Mu Jin again.

Where is the imperial concubine? Did the imperial concubine forget her too? How can this be!

Receiving the gaze cast by Ulanara brocade book, Mu Jin thought: ""

Don't look at her, it's impossible for her to speak for her.

The first queen and I are not good sisters, and I have no responsibility to take care of her natal family.

This guy was so crazy when he was still living in Chuxiu Palace, who can afford it?

Concubine De felt bad and couldn't get out of the aggrieved air, so she wanted to make trouble.

Reason told her that she shouldn't speak at such a time, and she shouldn't care about such things, but she still couldn't help but speak.

"Your Majesty, this Ulanara brocade book is the cousin of the former empress. The former empress is virtuous, dignified, and virtuous. It is a pity that she is not blessed. It is okay to take care of her natal sisters. Why don't you just stay here?" .”

Fourth Master's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Concubine De in a chilly manner, making Concubine De feel a little bit on pins and needles, and felt chills in her heart.

After realizing his reaction like this, he couldn't help becoming annoyed again.

This is her son, her own son! But it's like this to show her face

Ulanara Jinshu hastily promised: "Your Majesty, my minister must correct her mistakes, be cautious in her words and deeds, and abide by the palace rules. I beg the emperor to forgive my minister this time."

"The former empress has always been impartial and selfless," Fourth Master said coldly, "If she was still there, I'm afraid she would have sent someone to send Ulanara out of the palace a few days ago. Don't want to insult the former empress' reputation and virtue, take her away! "

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