Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2835 How can he dare to cut Hu's mind

The news of the marriage between the Nian family and the Mu family quickly spread throughout the capital.

Because the fourth master first issued an order to the Nian family and gave the Nian family the grace to choose their own son-in-law, so as soon as the news of the two marriages spread, many people couldn't help feeling that the Mu family's move was really quick!

Just when others came up with an idea, planned to visit Madam Nian Lulu's intentions, and to find out what she said, the Mu family actually made a quick decision on the marriage.

The father and son of the Nian family are the confidantes of the fourth master's family. Nian Gengyao became the governor of Sichuan at such a young age, and his future is limitless.

With such an in-law relationship, the Mu family's strength has greatly increased this time.

It was only at this time that Longkodo knew that the Miss Nian that his son Xingfan had taken a fancy to at the beginning turned out to be a young girl, and he was so depressed that he scolded and lectured Xingfan.

Didn't he tell them that Nian's family and Mu's family have privately intended to get married? The Mu family is not easy to provoke, and the Nian family is also not easy to provoke, how could he dare to cut Hu's mind!

If the Nian's family is an ordinary family, and the Mu's family has withdrawn from the marriage, and their own family has threatened and lured them, the Nian's family would not dare not to get married, and maybe they will be full of joy because they have climbed into their own family.

But that was a young daughter, how could the Mu family easily withdraw their marriage?

Even if he retires, can his family force the Nian family?

Would the Nian family be willing to marry their prostitute daughter to their concubine who has no official position?

No matter how much he loves his son, he can see it clearly.

As a result, he let Li Sier know when he taught Xingfan a lesson. If Li Sier said there was anything she cared about, it would be this precious son.

Seeing this, he was furious, grabbed Longkodo's clothes, pulled and rubbed them in a bad way, let out a show of female power, and sprayed Longkodo's scolding dog blood on his head.

Scolding and crying, it was useless to scold him, the son finally wanted to get married and was determined to make a better career from now on, but in the end he couldn't even marry his daughter-in-law.

What is the use of the emperor's uncle? What about height and weight? It's not like shit!

When the Tong family was brilliant, the Mu family didn't know where to hang out. The Nian family was just a watchdog under the fourth master's family, but now they are shaking their prestige one by one, trampling his uncle under their feet!

Is he so cheap and allows others to bully him?

I don't have the ability to compete with others, I dare not fight against others, and I have the face to teach my son behind closed doors

Where is Longkodo's opponent to Li Si'er? Being used to being scolded by her, he didn't care about her scolding anyway, but seeing her crying so sadly, Longkodo felt extremely guilty.

Hastily apologized to her again and again, repeatedly stated that he would never teach his son a lesson again, and comforted her so that she would not be angry

After tossing and tossing for a long time, he finally managed to coax Li Si'er.

Longkodo comforted her cautiously, saying that he would find a good job for his son in the future so that he could experience it, and he would tell him a better marriage, so that the family would regret going

Li Si'er just sneered when he heard this, and said, "Don't fart like this in front of my old lady! Can you coax my old lady? My son is just a bastard, huh, a better daughter-in-law can take his turn?"

Li Si'er said and shed tears again, "In the end, I was the one who got my son involved! He was looked down upon by others, and the daughter-in-law he liked was snatched away! If I had known that he would be wronged like this, I would have done it back then. He shouldn’t have been born! Seeing him suffer and humiliate, I feel a headache in my heart, woo woo woo”

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