Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2836 If there is, it means that it was not smashed hard enough

Longkodo felt very uncomfortable hearing that, and felt that his son was indeed too wronged, so he had to comfort her again, and couldn't help but blame the Mu family and the Nian family again.

Longkodo became more and more ruthless, saying that he must make an excellent marriage for his son!

If the Nian family doesn't marry their own family, it's because the Nian family has no vision, and it's their loss.

However, Xingfan was not willing to give up on another marriage.

He has been favored since he was a child, and he is also used to seeing his mother's style, so he has developed a lawless temperament and can do whatever he wants. In his view, as long as you can make trouble, as long as you know how to make trouble, there is nothing you can't get.

With his family background, why should he back down?

What's more, that year's young lady had a pretty face, so beautiful that it made one's heart tremble, and he really fell in love with it at a glance.

If you can kiss Fangze and marry such a beautiful woman, you will have no regrets in this life.

In his opinion, if everyone praises an imperial concubine as a country, then at least she must be like Miss Nian, right? Otherwise, it is not worthy of the name.

Xingfan was angry and unwilling, but there was nothing he could do, since his ability was limited after all.

Without his father, Longko, he is a bird!

The most he could do to get revenge on the Mu family and the Nian family was to curse viciously behind their backs and beat the villain in his heart, and he couldn't do anything else.

Today, a group of pig and dog friends drink and listen to music for fun.

Happy and happy, Xing Fan couldn't help but become irritable again when he thought of this, he stopped his wine glass with a "snap", sighed and frowned.

He has always been a man with a lot of money and loose hands, so he is especially liked by the dudes in the circle, even if he is a friend of wine and meat, he is still a friend.

There are more times to eat, drink, and have fun together, and there is more or less a bit of incense.

Seeing that the money bag is frowning, is this okay? All the dandies expressed their concern and concern.

Xingfan sneered, and told the matter indignantly.

The Nian family and the Mu family were married, and it was believed that the Mu family was quick to attack, so they came out on top.

No one thought that there was Tong Jia's matter here.

Xingfan wasn't stupid at all, he didn't mention the Mu family or the Nian family, he only said that he fell in love with a girl, but in the end that girl was snatched away by others, so he felt very aggrieved and annoyed.

After hearing this, everyone was filled with the same hatred and righteous indignation, and began to curse bitterly. Scold someone who doesn't know for being so bold, dare to snatch a woman from Uncle Xiaoguo, don't you want to live?

They all said that this kind of thing can't be tolerated, so they must take it back!

Are there any women in this world that a man as handsome as Uncle Xiaoguo can't win back? Unless that woman is blind!

Xingfan was immediately displeased when they scolded Miss Nian, and protected Miss Nian with his words.

Everyone was even more startled, you looked at me and I looked at you, they were very surprised.

So Uncle Xiao Guo is serious?

After a few words, except that they didn't know about Mu's family and Nian's family, everyone understood roughly that the woman and another man were already engaged, and even the wedding date was fixed.

At this moment, everyone suddenly lost their minds.

If this is a girl in the brothel, it's easy to handle, there is no girl who can't be beaten by money.

If so, it was not smashed hard enough.

No matter how cute a sister is, she can't compare to her love of silver. The sister in Goulan is used to acting out every occasion. She is the most affectionate and coldest person in the world. How can there be anyone who doesn't love silver?

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