Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2856 It's the concubine who hurt them

Mrs. Luo felt a little better after she said it. Seeing that Mu Jin's face was really ugly, she couldn't help persuading her: "Your Majesty, tell the emperor well, don't hurt your peace because of this."

"In short, Miss Nian is innocent. Our Mu family agrees on this point, and this marriage must be concluded. Those who are innocent will clear themselves. After a long time, the rumors will naturally dissipate."

Mu Jin's heart was sour, she reluctantly nodded and smiled and said, "Don't worry, mother, I know."

Only then did Mrs. Luo say goodbye with peace of mind.

As soon as Mrs. Luo left, Mu Jin sat there with a sullen face, without making a sound for a while.

"Master," Mammy Yan poured tea and handed it to her, gently persuading: "Master, please remember what Madam said before she left, and tell the emperor well."

Speaking of which, the master seemed to be in a state of bursting, which really made her feel a little uneasy.

Mu Jin sneered with a "hmph" when she heard the words, but didn't make a sound.

Yan Momo felt even more heartbroken: "Master——"

"Okay!" Mu Jin said coldly, "I know it well."

Nanny Yan was taken aback, feeling even more disturbed, and she could see that the master was in a bad mood—it was no wonder that no one could feel better even if they encountered such disgusting things over and over again.

It's good that my master didn't vent his anger by throwing teacups and cups.

Sister Yan was thinking about how to think of a good way to persuade the master, Mu Jin had already stood up, and said lightly: "I want to go to the small garden for a while, I want to be alone , you don’t have to follow.”

Nanny Yan and the others looked at each other, and could only say yes.

When Fourth Master stepped into Yikun Palace, Mu Jin took a walk in the small garden behind.

She has always loved green plants. In the small garden, she transplanted two large osmanthus trees, white magnolia, purple magnolia, crabapple, and a small crabapple frame, plus many other low flowers and plants and bonsai. , even in this weather, it doesn't look too hot.

When the fourth master came over, Mu Jin was leaning against the wisteria trellis, staring at the strings of purple flowers in a daze.

Dressed in pea-blue embroidered lotus flowers, she has a slender and graceful figure, standing there gracefully, inexplicably making people feel affectionate.

The fourth master's expression softened unconsciously, with a faint smile in his eyes, he stepped forward to embrace her from behind her into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her slender and white neck gently, and said softly: "It's still hot , Although the sun can't shine here, the heat is getting heavier, why do you stay here? How long have you stood? You are not afraid of heatstroke."

Mu Jin pursed her lips and slightly raised the corners of her lips, her heart felt soft. She turned around, slowly wrapped her hands around Si Ye's waist, and raised her eyes to look at him: "Your Majesty"

Fourth master smiled, held her face and kissed, "Go, let's go back. Huangzhuang sent a lot of fresh melons and fruits to the palace today, including your favorite cherries and golden plums, as well as summer peaches and watermelons. "

"Your Majesty!" Mu Jin fell into Fourth Master's arms, her eyes became hot, tears welled up, big drops fell on Fourth Master's lapel, and instantly got wet.

"The matter of the concubine's natal family, the emperor knows about it, right? If it wasn't for the concubine's fault, the matter might not have turned into what it is today. It is the concubine who has implicated my younger brother and Miss Nian. They are so innocent."

Fourth Master's eyes darkened.

Originally, it was just a few rumors. Even without Mu Jin, the Mu family, father and son were all officials, and Mr. Mu was still the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Who dares to spread such rumors for nothing?

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